Part - 17

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Hi Guys here I am and I'm seriously saying..,i want each readers comment...of I seriously didn't get the don't complain me to post sooner and yes one more thing...I was busy in some personal mom was unwell that's why I was not able to post....


Previous : SwaSan first victory....!!!


Not proof reading

Part - 16

IN Car

As Swara was saying Sanskaar to that she wanna go to Bar...first he denied but seeing Swara's stubborn nature he said yes...Swara was looking very happy...and Sanskaar was happy seeing her happy...

Soon the car stop infront of a Pub...Swara happily come out from car and moves towards enterence and Sanskaar also follows her being worried for her...



There was loud music and people were dancing like mad I'm dance floor...some were sitting at tables and talking and some were drinking at Bar...

Sanskaar was not sure that it was a good place to celebrate there victory or not...but for Swara he remains quite...

Both SwaSan go and sat on a table...soon waiter comes and takes there order...

Waiter : what would you like to have Sir and Mam...

Swara(Happily) : hmm...I want a class of beer with full of ice...

Listening to Swara's order Sanskaar was  shocked and gulp scaredly

Waiter : And what you want sir.???

Sanskaar(Casually) : I want a Orange juice...

Waiter : ok sir and both your orders will come in some minutes...enjoy Mam and sir...

Saying so waiter left from there while as soon as he left Sanskaar started his over possessive behaviour..,

Sanskaar(concern for her) : Swara what's this...why do you wanna drink you have any idea...what a WINE is???

Swara(Casually) : Yes I know...and it's not first time that I'm drinking...I have drink earlier chill out...

Sanskaar(trying to say something) : But....

Swara(angrily) : ENOUGH's my life and I to handle...and we are here for don't spoil my mood ok...

Sanskaar(sighs in defeat) : ok

Soon Waiter comes with there drinks and serves can I leave this opportunity hehe...

By mistake both of there drinks gets exchange and they drank don't ask how they didn't there was only dance floor light rest whole pub was dark let's move further...

After drinking juice Swara doesn't feel like she has drank wine...but soon she got to know why...

She notice Sanskaar feeling guidy and laughing like mad....she understands that there drink is she orders one more for her...

And drank in one go...npoiny to be noted...Swara has also drank first time...soon hangover was fully on Swara's head...

Swara(Drunken And monologue) : omg it's so tasty...Samrat never let me taste it...but it's so yummy....I want one you want one too...

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