Part - 14

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Hi Guys I know you all are bit emotional with last part so here comes a part with new hopes....!!!


Previous : Swara's Outbrust at Sanskaar and Sanskaar kiss Swara...!!!


No proof reading as I'm not well so can't correct mistakes...!!!

Part - 14

IN SwaSan Room

As Sanskaar realise what he did...he left from there to washroom for taking a cold shower to calm his nerves...

IN Washroom

Sanskaar was standing under the cold shower thinking about the kiss...and his care for Swara making him confused...

*******Sanskaar's POV*******

What's happening with me...??? Why I kiss Swara... Why am losing my control...

Is Arjun was right....??? Does I really started to fall for her...

No this can't happen...I only love Kavita....I agree that Dp and Laksh were behind Kavita's death...but I really did wrong with Swara...

I think it's only my guilt...which is making me concern for her...not more than that...

Yah it's's just attraction...that too due to my's only my guilt....

I just have to ask divorce from Swara as soon as possible....I can't delay this thing more....if I live with Swara more than this...I'll surely end up doing something wrong which I didn't want to do....

I'll ask from her divorce when she will woke up in the first place....Yah this will be good...

*******POV ENDS*******

Back in SwaSan Room

Swara woke up and see her surrounding that she is in there room...she becomes confused that how she came she was still lost in her thoughts,..she heard the sound of door opening and see Sanskaar coming out with wet hair...

Drops of water were falling from his hair mak8ng him look hot and the buttons of his shirt were also open....Swara was lost seeing his hard toon shaved body....she came to sences listening to his voice

Sanskaar(firmly) : Swara I want divorce.....

Swara(shocked and angry) : what????

Sanskaar(calmly) : what what...I want divorce and I know you don't love me so it's better you give me divorce and leave from here as you got to know where you Mom and Dida there is no chance of revenge..,

Swara who was a few minutes ago lost in his looks becomes angry listening to him....

Swara(shouts angrily) : no I'll not give divorce to you....what do you helping my Mom and Dida...I'll forgive you....not so fast Mr Maheswari...there is still lots to don't expect divorce from me untill I get my revenge...from all of you and specially from that Ragini and Laksh...I can forgive you as you help my Mom but I can't forgive them...who were the soul reason for all don't expect me to show mercy on all those...and on your mom too....she was also with you in wall this...right???.

Sanskaar was shocked first and than horrified...listening to Swara as he doesn't want any harm to his mother...yes it's true that he also want revenge from Laksh and Dp so he was having no problem in this but his mother....he was a little scared seeing Swara's bold act...and her red eyes full of range with revenge and anger....

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