Part - 22

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Hi Guys I'm back...sorry for late...but what to do...I injuried my fingers...they are still paining...but still I'm writing...on all your demands...!!!


Previous : Swara consoles Sanskaar and SwaLak talk...!!!


Part - 22

IN SwaSan Room

Both Swara and Sanskaar are talking...and laughing...

Swara(laughing and making Laksh's fun) : omg should have seen his face...he was looking an know it was really hard for me to control my laugh...But still I managed...

Sanskaar(laughing and praising her) : I must are really expert in making fool of that idiot...but I'm sad...that I missed a golden opportunity to see all this...

Swara(naughtily sympathy) : it's ok Sanskaar better luck next time (winks)baby...

Sanskaar(shocked at her winks and said amusingly) : I never knew you have this shade many shades have you more...from whom I'm still unknown...!!!

Swara(naughtily) : what's so hurry...just wait for will get know all...

Both started to they were laughing and enjoying their moments...just then room door opens and here comes Naggin🐍🐍🐍 Ragini...

Both SwaSan stop laughing seeing her in there room...and sees her questioningly...

Ragini(angrily and jealous seeing Swasan laughing whole heartedly) : Swara I want to  talk with you...can we please talk in alone...(indirectly taunts Sanskaar)I don't want any third person in between us...

Swara becomes angry on Ragini...while Sanskaar was about to go...but Swara holds his hand and said to Ragini...

Swara(holds his hand) : wait a minute Ragini...the person whom you are calling a third person...(says proudly making Ragini more jealous)is my husband...(says with attitude)and talk infront of him...what you wanna talk...otherwise leave from my Room...and don't waste our time...

Ragini becomes well as jealous seeing both Swasan bonding...that too in just few days...

Ragini(feels insulted from Swara's behaviour and said angrily) : Swara...why are you doing this...why are you trying to separate Laksh from me...

Swara(with same attitude and cold tone) : look Ragini I haven't done please stop your this emotional drama...and about Laksh...I don't give a damn to your question...

Ragini(angrily shouting) : Swara I'm giving you last chance...leave Laksh and go from this house otherwise...

Swara(smirks) : otherwise what will you do Ragini...

Ragini(says wickedly) : Swara I think you don't wanna know where Maa is???  (Smirks)If you wanna know about Maa...then leave this house...

Swara(feels like Ragini has said a huge joke and started laughing) : hahaha...what...what you know Maa is???  (Laughs and sees Sanskaar)Hahaha Sanskaar did you hear's the joke of

Ragini(confused from Swara's behaviour but still keep a straight face) : Swara...I'm serious...and you are laughing...ok if you don't want Maa then I'll kill her....

Hehe see rabia your effect..
Before she could complete she feels a burning sensation in her face...and she fell on floor...hitting her head with floor...

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