Part - 32

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Hi Guys I'm back...!!!
After my exam...please pray for me I'm very tensed about it's result...please and so here we start without any delay...!!!


Previous : Sanskaar saves Swara and Swara broke down in Sanskaar's arms...!!!


Part - 32

IN Hotel Room

After consoling Swara Sanskaar some how make her he know she will be tired after this much crying and incidents...

He was very angry on Ragini for doing this much cheap acts...he wasn't suprise as he already know about her nature in these two years she has always manipulate others for her benefits...

He was lost in his thinking just than he heard Swara's shouting...he runs towards bed and find her talking in sleep....He tries to make her calm but all went in vain...

Having no option he hugged her first she protest but Soon she calm down...Soon he also lays beside her taking her in his arms...and drifts into sleep...

It was next morning a morning filled with hope and determination...Swara was feeling better now...and both were ready to leave for Kolkata...

There was a new glow on her face...glow to take revenge for all her sufferings...and this time no holding back...she will give them everything with interest which she get in these two years...



From yesterday Ragini was waiting for that Goon call...but when she didn't revive his call...she tries to call him...but no use as he was not picking up her calls...

In anger she was roaming here and there...but still maintain her sweet fake gestures...but from inside she was boiling...😈😈😈😈haha she will boil now just wait...

It was afternoon...and she was in her room relaxing herself...but soon her relaxation blown off...let's see what's gonna happened...

She was laying on bed by closing her eyes soon she revives a call making her to jump in fear...

Ragini(still closing her eyes lifts the call) : Hello...

Other Side(smirk) : Hello dear sister...

Ragini(immediately sat on bed with shocking expressions) : Swara???  You...I...

Swara(smirk) : I know you must be thinking how am I alive after your cheap tricks...well let's leave it...for now just listen to me carefully...

Ragini(sweats but still tries to maintain her confidence level) : what...What are you saying...I...didn't...try to kill you...

Swara(smirk) : when I take your name...well leave listen Mrs Ragini Laksh Maheswari for your husband you have done so much with me...(laughs evilly)now I'll make your husband suffer...

Ragini(gets angry and shouts on her) : no...Swara you can't do anything to my Laksh...I'll not leave you...

Swara(laughs sarcastically) ; be patience Ragini ok I'll not do anything to him...if...

Ragini(tensed) ; if what???

Swara(with serious voice) : if you reach here in one hour...

Ragini(worriedly) : yes tell me I'll come...(pleads)but please don't do anything to Laksh...

Swara(sternly) : ok then reach at Hotel Blue Moon...Room No 144...I'm waiting...

After cutting the call she immediately rushed out from house without telling to anyone...

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