Part - 26

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Hi Guys...
So here is much awaited part of this ff...I know you all are eager waiting for I'm not gonna let you wait here we go...!!!


Previous : Ragini's evil plan and Sanskaar worried for Swara...!!!


Part - 26

ON Road

Sanskaar is continuously trying Swara's phone...but it's of no every time it shows unreachable...

He keeps on driving as he wants to reach Shimla as soon as possible...

After almost 5 hours drive he enters in Shimla...he started to drive fastly...and in no time he reached to hotel at where Swara was staying...


IN Hotel

He gets down from car and runs in hotel...he asks from receptionist about Swara...

Sanskaar(asks worriedly) : listen can you tell me about Mrs Swara Maheswari...

Receptionist(professionally) : I'm sorry sir but we can't tell about our coustmors to any third person...

Sanskaar who was already worried and frustrated...listening to recpionist he becomes more angry...and shouts on her making her flinch...

Sanskaar(Shouts at receptionist making her scared) : I'm not any third person...she is my wife you fool...tell me where is her room...he life is in

Receptionist(scaredly) : I...I'm sorry sir...Mrs Maheswari is in room 205...(Sanskaar was about to go but stops listening to him)but sir she is not in hotel...

Sanskaar(worriedly) : what...where is she...

Recpionist(explains) ; sir about half an hour ago she goes our hotel car with a driver...

Sanskaar(tells her hurridly) : call the driver...

Receptionist(calls driver but it was unreachable) : sir there number is unreachable...

Sanskaar(punches the rsblr nearby) : Dammit...(worriedly talks to himself)now what should I do...

Receptionist(seeing him witrird tells time something) : sir there is one way to know where they are...(gives him a GPS device)here take this GPS that car location is can find them with it's help...

Sanskaar(thanks her) : thank you so much...

He takes that GPS and left from there...he traces that car location through GPS...and soon he reached to that spot...



He stops the car seeing a car at side...he gets down from car and sees in car...which was empty...he again tries Swara's number and phone rings in car...he open that car door and get Swara's he was getting more worried with each passing minute...

It started to snow fall...due to stormy weather...he searched Swara here and there...and started to walk in a direction... he sees Swara's wrist watch...and think a he is in correct path...

Sanskaar(shouting her name madly) : Swara....Swara...

He was shouting her name but was of no use...he was just wearing a single shirt and pant and due to heavy snow fall he was now trembling due to cold...he was feeling dizzy...

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