Part - 48

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Hi Guys...!!!
Here I'm back with one more I said I'm posting enjoy it...!!!


Previously : Sanakaar's anger and SwaSan moments...!!!


Part - 48

IN SwaSan Room

Both were staring each other intensely...

Sanskaar(naughtily) : it's time I should punish you...

Swara(confused) : but...but what I did...

Sanskaar(caressing her face) : you hide from me that you are you should get your  punishment...

Swara(tries to say something) : was...

Sanskaar( huskily) ; I'll not listen to you this time...and I'll give you such punishment...that you will not be able to hide anything from me next time...

Swara : but...

Sanskaar place his finger on her lips...making her stop from talking...And soon his hands were at her back opening the thread of her shirt...within seconds he undid her shirt and throw that in some corner of room...

When her shirt was gone she glanced up to see Sanskaar staring her chest shamelessly....within a second his lips smashed against hers desperately the force pressing her back against the pillow..The kiss was desperate and hungry one...she gladly opened her mouth to grant him full access as heat exploded in her while body...

Suddenly he gets up from her...leaving her confused at first but soon when she saw him removing his shirt and pant...she blushed hardly...he came back again carefully climbing on her...not putting his whole weight on her delicate body...

Sanskaar's fingers leaves trail of fire on her while body...before finally landing on her breast on her bra....Her nipples hardened and she groaned slightly and pressed herself further against him...soon his fingers reach at her back and undid her bra...

With her chest fully exposed, she suddenly feel extremely shy...and tries to hide herself...but he carefully pins her hands above his head...his hands roamed on every inch of her exposed smooth soft skin...he draws pattern on her breasts rubbing their nipples...causing her to moan in pleasure...

Sanskaar's mouth left hers only to travel down to her nape leaving open-mouthed kisses and sets the fire on her soft skin...while her hands fisted in his thick soft silky hairs...

Soon His mouth reached in between her breasts...His mouth finally found her left breast and covered it his tongue sliding along the surface of her left nipple leaving it hardened and making her moan loudly in pleasure...Wetness was pooling down from herlower region...she squirmed as the ache between her legs started to increase making him groan in pleasure...

He pressed himself more on she could feel his arousal...a sensation of pure blissful pleasure ran through from her while body...she let her hands roam on his bare body...

One of his hand reach to her lower, region and undid the Lehnga making it throw in some corner of room...soon sold air hit on her exposed skin making her shrink a little....she felt incredibly exposed in front of Sanskaar....

He stare at her exposed skin and groan in pleasure...his hands reach at her lower region touching it...making her squirm in pure pleasure...A blush formed on her cheeks instantly feeling his gauze...

Sanskaar(huskily) : You're perfect

Soon he removed his boxers leaving him in his naked glory...she instantly closed her eyes unable to see him like this...

Sanskaar(says in her ear) : open your eyes Swara...

Swara nodes in no...

Sanakaar(licks her ear) : your eyes...I want see my reflection in your them...

Soon she open her eyes and see his his eyes...soon he pressed himself fully in him...and started to kiss her once again not leaving a chance to let her go...she feels his manhood pressed against her most sensitive private part...moans of pleasure were escaping from her mouth...making him crazy...

Without wasting a second Sanskaar began to kiss down on her neck and chest again...his tongue trailing across her skin...she felt more heat pooling in her private part...he sucked and bite her skin without leaving any cell on her body...Soon his mouth found my most intimate region...

Swara gasped and her hands turned into tight fists gripping the bedsheets...The explosion of pleasure from her core was like nothing...he was busy in kissing and licking her delicate skin while she  arched her back and moaned wrapping her legs around him...His fingers soon joined his mouth teasing and taunting the folds of her skin and soon she felt pleasure building again...This time the level of pleasure was too much for her to Handel...and soon her body exploded with a rush of pleasure...

His mouth found its way back up to her body, slowly and deliberately touching every cell of her exposed skin...It was sweet yet pleasureable torture for her...His mouth moved feverishly down to her neck as his manhood pressed against her again....His fingers however remained making circular motions between her legs only increasing the sensation...

Sanskaar's breath left his chest in a rush and he gripped my hips.

Sanskaar(smirks and says huskily) : time to punish you Love...are you ready???

Swara(unable to bear his sweet tortures) : I'm...I'm ready...

Sanskaar(smiles) : ok...just relax...I'll be gentle...and if it pains than tell me...I'll remove it...ok...

Swara just modes her head...

Sanskaar positioned himself at her entrence. Sanskaar was slow and gentle as he didn't want to hurt her wife...specially when she is carrying their symbol of Love...

With one smooth motion Sanskaar thrusted inside her all the way along...she felt like something had been torn by Sanskaar's massive anatomy and it was difficult not to cry out aloud...she gritted her teeth and the pain did not last long as her body started to shook with ultimate pleasure...

Sanskaar began to pump slowly at first, until he realized Swara had adjusted to the sensation and soon he picked up the pace...After the pain passed the pleasure began to slow buildup in her body....she threw her arms around him throwing her head back as she was hit by the pleasure....she felt her lower body clenching as Sanskaar pounded into her core...his thrusts deepening with every passing second. The rhythm too increased until Sanskaar was moving within me at a speed but not that fast to harm the seed of their Love...she lifted her legs up and wrapped them around him yet again so he get the better access to get deeper inside her...He shifted slightly lifting her up a bit so he could reach even deeper into her core...she cried out as he thrust relentlessly...As soon as the pleasure was built she couldn't prevents the moans that escaped from her mouth...and the husky noises Sanskaar emitted only intensified her pleasure much more...

The orgasm left Swara completely breathless and shaking with pleasure and Sanskaar only continued to add to it as he thrust working towards his own climax...

Both of them collapsed back down on the bed, breathing hard...Sanskaar reached forward and interlaced Swara's fingers with his...Both of them had never felt so complete or content in their entire life...

She cuddled up against his large figure...It was silent for a while as we peacefully we're enjoying their moment...

Moon Stars and Nature was the witness of their passinate love making...


Next : hmmm let me think...!!!


So here was episode...!!!

I hope you all would love it...!!!

Please vote and comment...!!!

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