Part - 33

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Hi guys I'm back...I know you all are angry for not posting...actually I was busy with Eid so couldn't get time to here we go...!!!


Previous : Ragini caught in raid and Dp insults her...!!!


Part - 33

IN RagLak Room

Ragini was sitting on floor and crying thinking about the humilation she faces due to also she wasn't able to understand Swara's pain instead she thinks how can she take revenge of her she was busy in thought Swara enters in room...and claps making her to come in senses and see Swara with full of harted...

Swara(smirks seeing her state and mocks at her) : tch...tch...tch...I never thought the great Ragini Maheswari will cry like this...well if you are crying due to this little act of mine...than I'm thinking what will happened when I'll show you my next move...

Ragini couldn't understand her words and was seeing her with confused expressions...Swara who observes her confused expression laughs evilly and shows her something...something shocking...Well let's see what is it???

Swara(innocently says) : Ohhh don't be confused dear sister...wait let me show you some shocking and rocking seens...

She takes out a envelope from her purse and gives that to Ragini...

Ragini(confusedly asks from her) : what's in this???.

Swara(smirks) : see yourself...

Ragini open the envelope and some pics fell from it...she picks one picture and as soon as she see it..,she feels the floor under her feet will slip any second and she will be buried alive in ground...she see Swara with teary eyed but Swara didn't show any kind of emotion...

Ragini(crying shocked scared and fumbles) ;

She wasn't able to say anything as she was too shock to react...she was crying more bitterly seeing pics...

Swara(smirks evilly) : well you know right now I'm feeling awesom to see you on this may be you understand the pain...from which I gone through due to your obsession to get Laksh...(with painful voice)you didn't even think once about my image than why should I think about's just beginning Ragini..,you just wait and watch what I'll do...(warns her)And yes from now on you will do what I say...and if you try to deny...I'll post these pics on social media...after that what will happened with can understand that very well..

Ragini who was already sitting on floor and seeing pics...listening to Swara's words hold her door and started to plead...

Ragini(holding Swara's feet and pleading miserably) : please Swara don't do this...I...I'll do what you will say...but please don't post them on social media please...

Swara(with attitude) : well if you are requesting this much then ok...I'll not say anything to anyone...ok now correct your dress and come down...and yes apologize from me infront of everyone...

Ragini(angry) ; but I...

Swara(shows her pics) ; ok don't apologize I'll post these pics on Facebook...and...

Ragini(hurridly said) : no please don't do that...I...I'll apologize from you...I'll...

Swara(smiles) : well that's like good girl...come fast...

Saying so Swara left and Ragini was seeing pics and crying on her fate....


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