Part - 43

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Hi Guys....!!!
Here I am with the next part of my ff...well I got allergic reaction on fingers...but still I'm kindly vote and comment guys...!!!


Previous : Gloomy SwaSan and some new character...!!!


Part - 43

In Lounge

All were sitting on sofa and Swara was very happy seeing the people who give her support are with her today...Sanskaar was happy seeing Swara happy but he was extremely jealous too the way Samrat was talking with Swara...While Sujhata was really irritated from Swara's guests...but she was silent seeing Sanskaar...

Soon it was night time and all were having their dinner...after dinner all left to their rooms...And Kurana family was also staying in MM...


In SwaSan Room

Swara was sitting on bed and Sanskaar on couch...Swara was lost in her thoughts while Sanskaar wanted to talk with her...

Sanskaar(tries to initiate conversation) : so???

Swara(confused) : so what???

Sanskaar(tries to control his jealousy which was clearly visible in his face) : who...who is this Samrat...??? You never talk about him...

Swara(notice his feathers and than smirks) : why should I tell you??? Who are you to me???

Sanskaar(hurt) : Yah right who am I to you???

Swara sees him with painful expression and both were sharing each other...

Swara(in mind) : just once say I'm your wife...just Once I promise I'll forget everything...

Sanskaar(in mind) : you are my wife but I can't accept it...(helpless)it's all happening die to Mom...if she didn't have do all this than we would have been happy...

Swara(in mind) : I know you are worried but please at least say something...

Sanskaar(in mind) : I'm sorry Swara I can't...

Sanskaar(breaks the eyelook) : well it's late I think we should sleep...Good Night...

Swara(mumbles) : Good night...

Both goes to their respective places and drifts into restless sleep thinking about each other...

It was a morning filled with new determination and hopes...well let's see what's gonna happened...

Both SwaSan were ready to go down...just than Swara stops Sanskaar and said something...

Swara(calls from back and nervous) : wait Sanskaar...

Sanskaar(turns towards him and says confusedly) : do you wanna say something...

Swara(nervous and playing with her dress) : yes...I...

Sanakaar( irritated) : what I...say it clearly...

Swara(again hopes as if he will accept her) : I'm saying that is this your final decision...I you really don't love me???

Sanskaar(gets to know what is she saying and talks rudly) : yes it's my final decision...I have said it once and I'm saying it again...and I don't love you...

Swara(hurt badly) ; ok than...

Sapna samajh ke bhool na jaana
Don't forget me like a dream

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