Part - 24

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Hi Guys I'm back...
I know you all are thinking that what I show is previous episode may be it's Dream but it's let's start...


Previous : Swara's care for Sanskaar and heated romance...!!!


Part - 24

Before both proceed further...door of room opens with a thud and here came...our 🐍🐍🐍 Ragini...
She becomes shocked seeing Swasan in intimate position...

While on the other hand SwaSan who came to senses listening to door opening sound and then see there selves....and then too Ragini who was looking at them like ghost..

Sanskaar gets up from Swara...while Swara pulls blanket till her chest to hide it...Sanskaar shouts on Ragini making her scared and stumbles...

Sanskaar(angrily roared) : How dare you to enter in our room like this...don't you have a minimum sense that we should not go to a married couple room without knocking...

Ragini(gains courage and shouts back) : and what about you Sanskaar G...don't you have are romancing with (points towards Swara disgustingly)this characterless girl...

Sanskaar(shouts) : Ragini...!!!

Ragini(shouts angrily and looking Swara with vengeful eyes) : it's true...some time before she was flirting with my husband...and now with you...(tries to manipulate Sanskaar)I'm telling you Sanskaar G...don't believe her...(points towards Swara who was totally numb)she is using you just for her needs....

And that was it...Sanskaar gives a tight slap to Ragini...and throw her out from room...he turns to find bed empty...

He goes towards washroom as he stands out...he can hear her crying sounds...Sanskaar was worried as well as guilty...that what he did with her...

He knocks the door and started to talk with her courage..
To have cruel world...

Sanskaar(guilty) : (knocks door)Swara I'm...I'm sorry...I don't know how it happened...I know...we don't have a relation of Love...I just can't explain...(very sad)I'm sorry...I loose my control...(knocking door)please open the door...I know you are hurt with Ragini's talks...(tries to motivate her)but you very well know it's not true...please don't let those useless and rubbish talks affect on you...(tries to make her remember her motive)Swara you have to be strong...for your revenge...of you will break like this...than how will you prove your innocence...what will you tell to your Maa...think about her Swara...please..

Saying so Sanskaar left the he also want some space and he know Swara wants this he left to take a garden..

Inside Washroom

Swara was sitting under shower and crying...thinking all incidents...

***Swara's POV***

How can this I...let Sanskaar touch I lose my control...

It's not Sanskaar's's all my fault...I...I...was the one who started all this...but why...why I'm attracted towards Sanskaar...

If Ragini wouldn't have come...then...I can't imagine what would have I done...but what she said...

May be she is I really using Sanskaar for my I really a cheap girl...who...

My thinking left in halt as I heard door knocking sound...I heard Sanskaar calling me...what should I do now...

Sanskaar said shooting words to give me courage...yes he is right...I can't fall weak...I have to punish the culprits for my Mom's state...I'll not leave them easily...

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