Part - 16

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Hi Guys I know you all are complaining about my short chapters...but it's all your all didn't comment...just vote...I hate to admit but I'm highly disappointed by your now I'm writing as long chapter in one of my frnd request so I need response too let's start...


Previous : Swara challenge Ragini...!!!


Part - 16

IN Car

Both SwaSan were silent but Sanskaar was restless as he want to talk last gaining courage he started to speak...

Sanskaar(Concern for her) : Swara you shouldn't have challenge Ragini like this...I mean...she is very dangerous and now she knows are planning against she will definitely try to harm you...I.

Swara(taunts indirectly to him) : you want me to play hide and you both(RagSan) did with me...

Sanskaar(Guilty) : Swara...I didn't...mean...

Swara(Taunting) : what your meaning is I'm understanding very well...Sanskaar... and I don't have a back Stab someone...I always play infront of my enemy...with all courage...(again taunts him making him feel more guilty)not like others...who play foul games...and about my life...I can take care of don't need to show this fake concern...(when sees him guilty change the topic)I just want Ragini to fear from me...and that I have seen in her eyes...and I challenged her...because I know she will some her hasty nature...and then...we will use that mistake in our you don't take tension...

Sanskaar feels bad listening to Swara's taunts...but composed himself thinking that it's all his fault...due to which it is happening...

Sanskaar(Monolouge) : I'm sorry Swara... I know I'm the reason for your this nature...but I promise...I'll always be with a companion...I'll never let you down...and will also seek your this all...and about Ragini...I'll prote you from her I know she will not sit quite...knowing that I'm with you...she will surely try to harm you...but..I promise to you that I'll save you from her all evil plans...may be that way my guilt reduces...

Soon they both reach to office and get down from the car...they see the board...where Maheswari Industries was written in bold letters...

Swara(Smirks evilly) : it's show time Baby...let's go...

Sanskaar(Smirks back) : yes of can I miss this see DP suffering...let's go...


IN Maheswari Industries

Both SwaSan enters in the company and whole staff was shocked seeing Sanskaar they very well know that Sanskaar didn't come to MI...

Sanskaar stops one of employ and asked him about DP and others...

Sanskaar(asks him) : Hey you...stop..tell me where are all...???

Employ(said to Sanskaar) : All are in conference hall sir...if you say...I'll call them here...

Sanskaar(Refused him) : No it's not needed...I'll meet with them by myself...come let's go...

Today was a very important day for Dp as he was getting announce the head of Marwari Society...

As it was a meeting to select the head for Marwari Sanskaar's presence was also needed...All were sitting in the conference Hall....And discussing...

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