Part - 23

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Hi Guys I know it has been long since I post one...but now here I am...So now here I am with next part...


Previous : Sanskaar saves Swara...!!!


Part - 23

IN SwaSan Room

Sanskaar is sleeping under medicine effect and Swara is sitting beside him...she is seeing him with teary eyed...

Guys Sanskaar is shirtless as his back is burnt little...Swara caress his hair...just than Sanskaar strir in his sleep...

Swara happily sees him...he open his eyes and sees Swara...looking at him with teary eyes...he was about to change his posture as he was lying facing his back upwards...but she stops him by placing her hand on his shoulder...

As soon as she touches his bare shoulder a spark flies in there bodies making them feel warmth in there hearts...

Swara(concerned) : please don't are stay still ok...

Sanskaar(stops moving and again lays on same posture and asks from Swara concerning) : ok...Swara are you ok??? I mean aren't you hurt???

Swara(feels happy from his caring gesture and said smilingly) ; yes Sanskaar I'm fine...and thanks for saving me...if you wouldn't have come on time...(scared and emotional remembering that incident)then I would have been dea...

Sanskaar(holds her hand and sequeeze it to make her assure that he is with her and said politely) : shhh... don't say like this...till I'm here no one can touch you...I'll always protect you...from all dangers...

Swara(smiles and frees her hand) : hmm you stay here...I'll go and bring cream for you to doctor said to apply it...

Sanskaar(nodes) : ok...

Swara goes to dressing table and brings the cream...she again climbs on bed and sat beside him...

Sanskaar(shows his hand to get cream) : give me I'll apply...

Swara(converned) : are you sure...I mean...will you be able to manage...

Sanskaar(assures her) : I'll manage you don't worry ok...

Swara gives cream to Sanskaar as his back was he can't sit properly...he thought to apply cream by lying itself on bed..,but was not able to do that...

Swara who was sitting beside him...sees him uncomfortable...but remains she don't wanna make him feel like he can't do his works...

Sasnskaar tries harder to apply cream on his back but was getting faailed again and again...when he touched his burnt skin he winches in pain...making Swara snatching cream from his hand...

Swara(takes cream from his hand and said concernly) : Sanskaar...I...I'll just stay still...

Sanskaar(tries to move to take cream) : it's ok Swara I'll manage...give me cream back...

Swara(place her hand on her shoulder and stops him from moving and said angrily) : yah I see how much you was able to wadnt able to touch your back...then how will apply...(scolding)so now don't be stubborn and let me apply ok...

Sanskaar(tries to resist) : But???

Swara(firmly) : I don't wanna listen stay still...

Sanskaar helplessly nodes...and soon he felt a soft feather touch on his back...making him goarn in pleasure...

~~~Little Mature Content~~~

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