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Hi Guys...!!!
I know I told you all I'll post on 19 but I was unable to post as I was busy with me newly found job...!!!
But don't worry here I am...!!



Time slip and 7 months have been passed...and Sanskaar was filling Swara all demands happily...sometimes he get angry...but always after seeing Swara happy when ever he fulfill her demads...becomes happy...

~After 7 months~

Sanskaar was sleeping peacefully...just than he feels that someone is shaking him...and trying to wake him up...he lazily open his eyes...and see Swara with a cute pout...he smiles as he gets to know his wife wanna eat something...

Swara(extra sweetly) : Sanskaar...

Sanskaar(understand her buttering) : say Swara...what you want to eat...

Swara(buttering him) : you know you are so sweet Sanskaar...

Sanskaar(sighs) : you tell me what you want to eat...don't use butter on me...

Swara(finally tells what she want to eat) : I...I want to eat Kajar ka halwa...

Sanskaar(was about to get up from bed) : ok you stay here...I'll go and make it for you...

Swara( holds his hand) : no I...don't want to eat your hand made kajar ka halwa...

Sanskaar(get up) : ok than I'll call mom...

Swara( again stops him) : no I also don't wanna eat her hand made...

Sanskaar(asks) : than whose Hand made Halwa you wanna eat...(think about Ram)don't tell me you want Dad to make this dish for you...

Swara(slap her for head irritatedly and shouts) : Ufff...I want to eat kajar ka halwa but from that Naathu sweet maker...

Sanskaar(thinks and than said shockingly) : wait you mean that Nathu Sweet maker who has a shop in main market...

Swara( modes in yes with a big smile) : yes...

Sanskaar(sees the time and tries to make her understand) : but Swara...this time...I mean he must have closed his shop...from where I get his hand made sweet for you...

Swara(stubbornly) : I don't know...I just wanna eat his hand made sweet...

Sanskaar(tries to say something) : but...

Swara(started to act) : ahh...ahhh...I...I know...now you don't...love me...that's why...you are saying this...I..know...y out want...to get rid from me...

Sanskaar(amazed seeing her behaviour) : what are you saying Swara...I mean...

Swara(pout) : no...I know it's truth...I read in magzine...when wives becomes fats there husbands don't love them...they just try lame excuses to...to get rid from them...

Sanskaar(angrily) : what...you...you again read magazine...I told you not to read these bullshits...

Swara(stubbornly) : I'll read...I know it's all true...

Sanskaar( irritated) : What nonsense....

Swara(fake crying) : if...if It's all  bullshit...than...than prove that you still love me...

Sanskaar(astonished seeing her stubborn nature) : seriously Swara...now...I have to prove in front of you...that I Love You...are you out of t ou r mind...

Swara(again started to act) : ahhh...I...I know you will say like this...ahhhhh...ahhh...

Sanskaar(sighs defeated) : ok...ok don't cry please...I'll...I'll go...to get your sweet...

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