Part - 8

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Hi Guys here I'm but I'm not happy with your response at first I got so much response and now you all not supporting well and one more thing I'll unite SwaSan but please just be patience for sometime....


Previous : SwaSan moments and Bomb blast in party......!!!


Part - 8


As Dp was scolding Swara and she was standing with an unintrested look on her face Sanskaar who was seeing all this heard something and was fuming in anger.....

Well guys you were wrong about Sanskaar's anger let me tell you why is he angry😉😉😉

Lady 1 : Omg look this shameless girl....she didn't has manners to wear clothes,...

Lady 2 : yes you are right....these type of girls are not house material....

Lady 3 : yes....I think she was characterless earlier that's why DP Broke his son's alliance with her....

Lady 1: You are right....don't know who are the parents of this shamless girl....

Lady 2 : I think they would have died......

This all talks were heard by whole MF indulging Swara was showing she doesn't care about anyone...but truth was that she was broken from inside listening about her parents....

Before someone other spoke about her character a Roared was heard in whole Lounge making it silent....

Sanskaar(Angrily Roared making everyone flinch in fear) : more word against my wife and I'll forget that you all are guest of this house....

Dp gets angry on Sanskaar as he was insulting guests but Sanskaar's this act make Swara shocked and happy as someone is supporting her but she didn't show much these expressions on her face....

Dp(angrily tied to stop him) : this a way to talk with guests....

Sanskaar(angrily pointing towards Dp) : I'm not taking to you Bade you please stay out of it....(and turns towards ladies)and what you all were saying...that my wife is characterless....than let me remind you all your DIL's character....(Lady1)Mrs Sharma you daughter in law goes to club late night....and roam with her boyfriends....what about that...and you (Lady2)Mrs Datta your Daughter in law also do smoking what about that....and you not but the least (Lady3)Mrs Ranvanshi your Daughter in law and son both are alcoholic and I had heard they even take drugs...what will you say about this....I'm quite this doesn't mean I don't know just get the he'll out from this house....(He'll angry on cheap ladies)
Hehehe what you all think I'll make Sanskaar hate Swara this easily then it's not fair at least my Sanskaar should support his Wife....all thanks to me....tell me how is my this idea....

Guys let me tell you all again that Sanskaar still didn't consider Maheswaries his family and he is only living in MM die to his mother's pleadings so don't get confused again ok....

Soon whole lounge of MM was empty....
Sanskaar who was holding Swara's hand was about to go from there to his room but stop listening to DP's shouting voice....

Dp(Angrily) : Sanskaar.....what was that all....your wife has don't wrong with us and you are supporting (point towards Swara who was standing with blank expressions)this cheap girl....I don't know what have you seen in her that you married with her....this girl even doesn't know the spellings of mannerisms....I have decided this girl will not live in this house...(angrily shouting)you have to....

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