Chapter 6

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Anakin POV

I was walking Maya back to her quarters, it was obvious that her footsteps were hurried, she wanted to get away from me as soon as possible. I sighed. Why does she hate me so much? Is it because of my relationship with her old master, Dooku? Or is there another reason? I was hesitant to ask her, but I did anyway.

"Maya why do you hate me?"  She looked at me confused.


"Why do you hate me?"  I repeated the question.

"I.... I'm tired, I should get some rest."  She replied and somehow managed to walk even faster to get to her room and immediately go inside and lock the door.

I sighed, I had been blown off again, so not only does she hate me she also won't tell me why she hates me! I went and explained all of this to Obi Wan, hoping my old master would know what to do.... Which sadly he didn't.

"I'm sorry Anakin, but all I can suggest is persistence, I don't know what else you can do."

"Ah! Obi Wan, I need to do something more than just persist! I need to make her like me, or at least tell me why she doesn't like me!"

"Well I really don't know how you can do that, so I'm afraid I can't give you any advice. I'm sorry Anakin, but you are on your own."

"Thanks Obi Wan."  I rolled my eyes and he gave me a small, yet supportive smile.

"Good luck."

Obi Wan POV

After my conversation with Anakin I then went and delivered my report to the Jedi Council, naturally there wasn't much to say, but as the girl had only been there for a day I know they understood.

"So far Maya has shown no signs that she is in fact a spy for Count Dooku, however it would seem that she doesn't particularly like her Master."

"She doesn't like Skywalker?"  Master Windu asked, sounding rather surprised.

"No."  I shook my head.  "From what Anakin has told me it sounds as if she actually hates him."  The other Jedi Masters looked at each other for a moment in shock.

"But why would she hate Skywalker?  Do you know if he has done anything to make her dislike him so much."  Master Ti asked.

"Not that I know of, in fact Anakin told me that he has tried to do just the opposite, he wants her to like him, but that is proving to be difficult."

"All the same, this is Skywalker problem, not ours, and-"

"Forgive me, Master Windu, but our problem this may be. Hate is the path to the Dark Side, so careful we must be with how young Maya behaves, give away her position her emotions might and show if an apprentice of Dooku, she still is."  Master Yoda explained.

"Perhaps you are right, but I am sure he will find a way to deal with it so this meeting is adjourned. May the Force be with us all."  Master Windu murmured and I quickly left.

Maya POV

I was sitting on my bed being bored when my stomach started rumbling, a sure sign that I'm hungry, so I decided to go to dinner. I got up from my bed and walked out of my quarters, headed for the mess hall.

When I walked into the mess hall I looked around and I saw Skywalker sitting and talking with Alexa and Rendal. I looked at the two of them, they were sitting fairly close together, close enough that their legs were probably touching under the table. I know that Skywalker said that Jedi's can't be in relationships as it is against the Jedi code, but I was beginning to wonder if there was something more going on between them....

All the same I got my dinner on the tray and walked over to a empty table where I sat down and took a bite out of my dinner. Yuck! It was disgusting! It tasted like bantha poo and it looked that like too.  I can't eat this!  I was about to get up and go back to my room when someone walked over.

"Hello Maya."  I looked up and saw Skywalker.

"Oh great it's you."  I growled and rolled my eyes.

"Mind if I sit with you?"

"Sure whatever."  I replied and he sat down.

"So what do you want Skywalker?"

"I saw you were alone so I came over to see if you wanted to sit with Rendal, Alexa and I?"

"No thanks, I am just about to leave."

"Really? You haven't even finished eating."

"So? I'm more tired then I am hungry so I think I'll go."  I then got up from the table and walked out of the mess hall.

As soon I got back to my quarters and the metal doors opened I walked in and took my shoes off before lying down on my bed.

Alexa POV

I watched as Anakin sighed then came and sat with us again, I admit I felt sorry for him, Maya was proving to be more of a challenge than we had anticipated.

"Are you ok?"  I asked as he sat down.

"Yeah."  He nodded dejectedly.

"I'm sorry I upset keep upsetting her, I am really not helping your cause."  I sighed.

"Don't blame yourself for something you can't really control."


"No butts."

"Fine.... Either way I think she is beginning to become suspicious of our relationship."  I looked to my boyfriend.

"Yes.... It does seem likely."  Rendal replied.  "Especially since I wasn't exactly pleased after the way she treated you earlier."

"Aw... You got grumpy at her for me?"  I smiled slightly.

"Well.... Maybe a little."  He blushed.


"Anyway, you two are going to have to keep things on the down low again."  Anakin stated.

"But I only just got back and we were "on the down low" for weeks before I left to Kamino! I can't keep hiding my love for Alex forever!"  I blushed furiously.

'I know, but you are going to have to, unless you would rather have Maya find out about it?"

"No, he's right, Rendal. I don't want Maya finding out, she could use it against us."  I added.

"Good point, alright we'll be extra careful."  He nodded.

"Good."  My old master nodded.

"Now if you two will excuse me, I am going to bed."

"What? But it's not even nine o'clock yet!"

"Early to bed, early to rise Ren."  I reminded him before getting up and walking back to my room, eager to get a good nights sleep.

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