Chapter 2: Telling the Council

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I don't own Star Wars, just the storyline and my OC's, and I am not making any money out of this.  I do sort of wish I was though lol XD  Anyway, on with the story!


Anakin POV

We are now landing on a platform at Coruscant, I had been contemplating what to do with our new hitchhiker and while I knew what I was going to do, I wasn't quite sure if my resident babysitter would accommodate the girl. All the same We unbuckled ourselves and after exiting the cockpit and walking down the landing ramp I came face to face with the person whom I had been thinking about since we decided to take the ex-Sith trainee on board.

"Hello Senator."  I nodded, to the young woman who had been waiting for us. I smirked as a wave of shock rolled off my old Master and he glanced at me, confusion etched into the lines of his face.

"You called Senator Amidala?"

"Yep." I nodded. Before hearing Padme clear her throat.

"Hello Master Jedi's."

"Greetings Senator." Obi Wan replied.

"What is this all about General Skywalker?" She asked looking to me.

"My apologies Senator Amidala, but in our latest mission we found someone who is in need of help and... A place to stay with someone..."  I trailed off hoping she would catch the drift. Her expression told me she understood and she nodded accordingly.

"And you were hoping I would allow her to stay at my place."

"That is correct, but only if it isn't too much trouble."

'Of course not.' She smiled. 'What is your name?' She asked turning to the squirt.

"Maya Plantshock."

"Well it's nice to met you, Maya. Please call me Padme and I would love for you to come and stay with me for as long as you like."

"Thank you."

"I'm glad we've sorted that out." I nodded, proud of myself.

"We still have to go and report to the Council, Anakin."  Obi Wan reminded me and I felt my spirits drop.

"Uh, right. Of course. Then let us be off and we will see you again soon, Senator." I bowed to Padme.

"Goodbye Master Jedi."  She replied and we went our separate ways.

"See Master, that wasn't so bad now was it?"  I asked, smirking.

"Perhaps not, my young friend, but since it was your idea you can explain all this to the Jedi Council."

"What?!" I asked shocked.

"You heard." My old Master smirked back and walked ahead. Realising there was no way to get out of this, I sighed and sped up so as not to get left behind.

Once we reached the High Council Chambers, Obi Wan went inside and took his place, sitting in his chair with the other esteemed members of the Council. While I went in moments later to give my report, crossing my fingers that they wouldn't be angry with my decision to bring the "ex"- Sith padawan back here to Coruscant.

"Welcome young Skywalker, how was your mission?"  Master Windu asked as I walked in and stood in the centre of the circular room.

"Masters." I bowed. "Our mission in the outer rim was successful, we were able to drive the Separatists off the planet, but we had to stop on Tatooine to refuel..... While we were there I found Dooku's old padawan...."

"Old padawan?" Master Windu questioned.

"Yes, I attempted to interrogate her on Dukoo and his whereabouts, but she told me that she had run away from him several years ago."

"Hm... What then did you do?" Master Yoda asked curious.

Before answering I glanced at Obi Wan, who's only response was to give me a "it was your idea" look. Deciding to ignore him I returned my gaze to Master Yoda and proceeded to answer his question with as much confidence as I could muster.

"I felt that leaving her alone on the planet was unwise so I brought her back with us and she is currently being watched by Senator Amidala."

Many of the Masters gasped and began murmuring amongst themselves until Master Windu spoke up.

"You left the apprentice of a Sith Lord with the Senator of Naboo?! Are you mad Skywalker?!"

"I do not believe so, Master.  I do have a plan surrounding these actions."

"What are proposing?"  Master Mundi inquired.

"I am proposing that the child is left here on Coruscant with Senator Amidala for a brief time, after such period I am asking that she be allowed to stay here."

"In the Temple?!"  Mace bellowed, shocked.

Once again the room broke out with murmuring, each Jedi Master voicing his or her concerns about my plan and how risky it was to have the apprentice of a Dark Lord in the Temple where she could easily gain knowledge of our secrets and pass them on to Dooku.

"Young Skywalker, we cannot trust this child. How are we to be sure that she is not a spy sent by Dooku, or even if she has indeed left him, how do we know that she will not just decide to tell him the information anyway?"  

"I know the risks of what I am suggesting Masters, but surely we will be able to gauge her loyalties to Dooku and the Sith while she is here. She is not that old Master and from what I have seen, hiding her emotions isn't one of her strongest points. We could have a Jedi or a clone with her at all times and adjust our levels of trust towards her depending on how she acts."

"Planned this well you have, young Skywalker, but discuss this the Council must."  Yoda nodded and I was dismissed, leaving the girl's fate in their hands.

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