Chapter 10

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Disclaimer, I don't own Star Wars.


Maya POV

After a while I realised that grovelling wasn't going to do me any good so I decided to go for a walk around the Temple, during which I found myself at the training room where I was surprised to see Alexa smashing her fists and feet into a punching bag! I watched as she practised her fighting skills, all the while keeping her grunts of effort to the barest minimum, and gasped as she performed a perfect roundhouse kick which knocked the bag off its chain! I then shuddered as the bang of it hitting the wall echoed through the space.

"Hello Maya."  She turned to look at me as I stared at her wide eyed.


"What did you think of that?"

"You're great."  I replied in awe.  She flashed me a small smile.

"Years of practice have made me better than average."  I sensed sadness hidden in her words and it was confirmed as I stared into her eyes.

"How long have you-"

"The Chancellor has been kidnapped!"  Skywalker burst in!

"What?!"  Alexa and I asked in shock.

"He's gone! Dooku kidnapped him!"

I wanted to face-palm right there, the Council had been right in their suspicions which meant that they would now think that I was involved and that I had been helping the Count plan the Attack! Grrrr!

"Well what do we do now?"  I asked.

"There's a mission briefing in the war room, the Council has ordered us to go and rescue the chancellor."

"Then I guess I'll see you when you return."  I slumped slightly. He gave me a puzzled look.

"What do you mean? You're coming too!"

"Really?"  I asked shocked as he nodded.


"Whoo! My first real mission!"  I cheered.

"Alexa, you and Rendal are also to report to the briefing."

"On my way."  She nodded and sprinted off.

"Come on, let's go."  Skywalker hurried and we went after Alexa.

Alexa POV

The briefing had been just that, brief, and we were now getting everyone into their starfighters. I was happy to be back in my Eta-2 Actis-class interceptor, with its familiar orange markings which served to distinguish me from the rest of the troops.

I glanced over to Rendal in his own ship which is green and white. He flashed me a quick smile which I returned before we took off and flew up out of Coruscant's atmosphere to the space battle that was raging above.

We then went into our formations with our commanders and generals up front and the clones behind us. Almost immediately we had to start dodging laser fire as the bolts started heading straight for us! However after performing several evasive maneuvers I realised we had a new threat.

"Missiles, twelve o'clock!"  I announced over the radio, alerting my legion and the others who were fighting with us.

"R6, get ready for some fancy flying!"  I then used the reverse thrusters and sharply moved back, going between the two missiles and watching happily as they exploded after colliding with each other! 'Well done R6!'

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