Chapter 12: Discoveries

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Alexa POV

Once Maya had gone to bed I headed back to the mess hall where the Rendal was still sitting, without Jay who it seems went to bed not long after we left. So I sat down beside him and casually rested my head on his shoulder.

"I thought you were going to bed."  He murmured.

"I am.... Soon."  I replied.

"I see.... So you only went to talk alone with Maya, didn't you?"

"Maybe...."  He smirked.

"Uh huh and what did you two "maybe" talk about?"


"Hello, lovebirds."  Anakin came over.

"Hi, Anakin. What's up?"  I asked.

"Nothing, I was just wondering if the two of you would like to come for a little walk and talk?"

"Sure."  Rendal nodded. So we got up and followed the man out.

"I saw you walked Maya back to her room, is she ok?"  Anakin asked. I gave him a small smile, he was forever the concerned master.

"She's alright and her observation and reasoning skills are great."

"What do you mean?"  Both by boyfriend and my old mentor asked.

"Well, I should mention that her curiosity is still intact also. She..... Asked about us."  I looked beside me to Rendal.

"What did you tell her?"

"At first I told her half of the truth, that we were close friends, but she wanted more than that and.... After asking if I trusted her and if we were friends she asked me again and.... I told her about us."

"You told her?!"  Anakin and Rendal stared shocked!

"I had to! She trusted me enough to tell me something very private to her so I knew I had to do the same."

"What did she tell you?"  Anakin inquired.

"I can't say, you know how important privacy is to some of us."

"Right."  He nodded.  "So, let me get this straight, Maya and you are now friends and she made you tell her that you and I are going out?'

"That's the long and the short of it."  I nodded.

"Well I don't think it's a bad thing."  Rendal replied.

"You don't?"  I asked surprised by his happy attitude.

"No, in fact I think it's good the two of your are trusting each other, you are both very similar in someways and now you both have another friend. So yeah, I think you did the right thing."

"Thanks."  I slipped my hand in his as we casually kept walking.

"You're welcome."

"What about you Anakin? Do you think I made the right decision?"

"I don't know.... I hope so, or things could turn real bad for you two."

"That's true, but I'm sure she won't tell anyone."  I replied confidently.

"Well, I've always said to trust your instincts and if that's what they tell you then you are probably right."  My old master trusted me and I gave him a small smile.

"I know I am."

Not long after that we all retired to our rooms and after getting undressed out of my usual clothes and having a nice, warm, refreshing shower I put on my nightgown and got into bed. It didn't take long to Ng for me to fall asleep, but I soon began to wish I had stayed awake longer.

Maya POV

I sighed as I woke up. It was the middle of the night, a time when most normal people were fast a sleep and yet here I was lying in bed staring up at the ceiling. I could hear soft groaning coming from the room at the end of the hall. Alexa's room.

She sounded upset and every so often she would cry out as if in pain!  I wondered what was wrong with her....  Indeed if I didn't know any better I would say she was having a nightmare. Poor her. I then turned over and tried to go back to sleep, but unfortunately it didn't seem like that was going to happen as Alexa's nightmare seemed to be getting worse.  She had started screaming!

Realising I wasn't going to get any sleep until I found out if she was ok, I got out of bed and walked over to my doors.  As they opened and I started to walk out of my room I saw rendal go into Alexa's room and after a few moments I cautiously followed him.

The doors opened and I walked in, Alexa's cheeks were wet and her body was bathed in a cold sweat.  The sheets were twisted around her limbs, probably because she had been thrashing in her sleep.  She looked up at me with her blood shot eyes from her position wrapped up in Rendal's arms as he held her close in comfort and he too turned to stare at me.

"Maya what are you doing here?"  He asked.

"I heard Alexa having a nightmare and.... I-I just came to see if she was going to be ok."  I replied worried.

"Thank you Maya."  She gave me a wobbly smile.  "I think I'm fine now."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

"You should go back to bed now."  Rendal suggested.  I nodded.

"Well goodnight."  I murmured going to the door.

"Goodnight Maya."  The two of them replied and I walked out of Alexa's room heading back to my room where I lied back down on my bed and tried to go to sleep once again.

Rendal POV

I woke up as soon as I felt the familiar pain in my chest and a sadness in the Force, Alexa was upset and given the time I knew what was wrong. Instantly I got up and ran to her room, not caring whether or not anyone else was up late and would see me running around in my pyjamas.

When I got there I didn't bother to knock, I just went straight in and saw Alexa screaming and wailing as she sat hunched over in her bed with her head buried in her hands. I crossed the room in four quick strides and soon wrapped my arms around her as she looked up and me with red teary eyes.

I didn't need to ask what she had seen as I knew all too well what torture she had endured so I just sat on the bed and held her close to me. Her shoulders shook as each sob racked her frame and I gently rubbed circles on her back trying calm her down only to have the her move forward and bury her head in my chest. I could swear the impact caused my heart to break.

It was long after that when the door opened and we both looked up to see Maya standing in the doorway looking concerned.

"Maya what are you doing here?"  I asked confused and I felt Alexa tense in my arms as she hadn't wanted the girl to see her so vulnerable.

"I heard Alexa having a nightmare and.... I-I just came to see if she was going to be ok."  Maya replied looking to my girlfriend.

"Thank you Maya."  Alexa attempted a small smile. "I think I'm fine now."

"Are you sure?"  Maya didn't seem convinced.

"I'm sure."  She nodded

"You should go back to bed now."  I recommended, knowing very well that not only did the girl need her sleep, but Alexa needed her privacy. Maya then nodded slowly and walked over to the door.

"Well goodnight."  She said pausing.

"Goodnight Maya."  We replied and she left.

Once again I turned my attention to the Togruta I was embracing. Red-hot tears ran down her face, each one carving furrows on the tender flesh before I used my thumbs to wipe them away while I cupped her face.

I then gently kissed her forehead and began the usual ritual of whispering to her, telling her that everything was alright and that she had people here who loved her and would never hurt her.

Eventually she calmed down and I listened as her breathing became slow and even.  It was then that I carefully laid her back down and watched as she fell asleep again.  I wouldn't leave her again tonight so instead I managed to slip in the bed beside her and fell asleep too.

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