Chapter 29: Meeting the New Teacher

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Anakin POV

The ship had made its jump into hyperspace, I leaned back against the chair, yawning.  Even I'm starting to get tired, it's probably because I had to get up early this morning and I went to bed later than I should have last night.  Oh well, the ship will be alright if I just have a quick snooze...

So I closed my eyes and soon felt myself falling asleep.  I slept peacefully for sometime, not sure exactly how long for obvious reasons until dark images filled my mind.  I looked around, it was dark and small embers floated through the air, I began to feel an intense heat and started to feel myself sweat. I looked down I saw I was standing on a rock.  I had a bad feeling about this...  I walked over to the edge of the rock and looked down, below me was a river of molten lava.  That confirmed it; I was having the nightmare about Alexa.

My head snapped up as I heard a lightsaber and voice, it was female, my eyes widened that had to be Alexa!

"Please don't do this!  Stop! Please!"  Suddenly I heard an ear-piercing scream!  It was the kind of scream that made your blood run cold.  It pierced the brain and ignited some primeval pathway.  Adrenaline surged through my veins and I leapt into action, running as fast as I could to where the scream was coming from.  I skidded to a halt and my eyes then landed on a body.  Alexa's body.  "W-Why...?"  Her voice was filled with pain, her lips trembling as she spoke and I saw there was someone looking down at her.

The person had their cloak over their face, making it impossible to see who they were and as I came closer they spoke, their voice sending chills down my spine.  "Weakness shall not be tolerated, so it must be destroyed.  I'm just following orders."  Then the murder looked up at me.  My jaw dropped.

No...  It can't be!

I took a step back.  "Maya?"  I looked into her eyes and they were yellow, glinting in the harsh light the lava provided as she stared back at me.

"What's the matter?  Aren't you proud of me, master?"  She gave me a smirk and turned around, walking away before disappearing.

My eyes flew open as I woke up from the nightmare.  I was breathing heavily and covered in a cold sweat.  I tried to calm myself down, however the effort had been in vain when I felt a hand on my should and I jumped up from my seat, pulling out my lightsaber from my belt and pointing the ignited weapon at the person who had touched me.  I looked and it was Maya she was shocked, I glared at her.

"Anakin?! Anakin put the lightsaber away."  She tried to calm me down and I looked at her eyes, they weren't yellow, they were blue.  "Anakin please put the lightsaber down!"  I sighed as the blue blade disappeared and I put my lightsaber back on my belt where it belonged, sitting back down in my seat.  "Anakin you nearly gave me a heart attack!"  She cried.

"You?!  What about me?!  You were the one who snuck up behind me and scared the living day lights out of me!"

"I'm sorry....  Are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine Maya."  I nodded, lying.

"No you're not, you said it yourself, you were terrified just then.  You had the nightmare about Alexa again....  Didn't you?"

I sighed softly and nodded slightly, keeping my head bowed.  "Yes Maya, I did."

"Did you see who killed Alexa this time?"

What could I say?  Should I lie and say no or tell Maya that she was the one I saw kill Alexa?   No!  What was I thinking?!  That would crush her!  She'd get so upset, Alexa is one of her closest friends, she'd be devastated if I told her I saw her kill Alexa!

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