Chapter 38: The Test Results

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Alexa POV

I lied in bed staring intently at my comlink. It had been a week since I had seen Doctor Nema and had those tests done to see why I felt so sick. She had told me it would only take a couple of days yet I had received no word about the test results. I was starting to wonder if the tests had been done at all.

Rendal had tried to assure me countless times that they were probably just busy with things for other Jedi but for some reason I just had this feeling that there was more to it than that and I think my boyfriend had the same idea. I knew he was worried about me, even though he was always trying to hide it so he didn't make me nervous. He probably thought I was worried enough as it is without knowing he thought something was wrong too. Either way, I decided that if I didn't get the results by tomorrow that I would go to the Halls of Healing again and ask them what the kriff was going on!

Just as I felt another wave of nausea overcome me I heard my comm beep, assuming it was Rendal I ignored it and instead reached out to grab the bucket I had beside my bed, spewing in it as soon as it was close enough for me to do so. I retched violently, emptying whatever half digested food I had out of my stomach into the bucket, the acrid smell of the substance was enough to make me heave again and again until I was throwing up nothing but clear water. All the while I could hear the noise of my comlink going off in the background. By the time I was done I was ready to try and sleep again, however the noise of the comm bugged me to the point where I was ready to throw it against the wall. I didn't though, instead I picked it up and answered it.

"A-Arnjard here." I said, my words sluggish from sleep.

"Hello Alexa, I'm sorry to bother you like this but I need to talk to you." Much to my surprise the voice I heard didn't belong to my boyfriend, but to Doctor Rig Nema. The results must have come back! Finally!


"Don't worry Alexa, I can tell that you are in no condition to come here so I will go to you. Just sit tight and I'll be there soon, alright?"

"Ok." I murmured gratefully.

Now I have no idea how long it took the good doctor to get here, all I know is that it felt like years! Of course things seem to feel like they take longer when you're sick and not feeling great. It's just how things work. It also doesn't help that I tend to be rather impatient. Anyway I had started drifting off to sleep when I heard the door slide open and I looked over to see Doctor Nema come in.

"Sorry Alexa, I know I should have knocked but I wasn't sure if you were awake and I didn't want to startle you if you weren't." She explained.

"It's alright." I shrugged it off. "Did you get the results back?"


Thank goodness for that! Finally!

Happiness washed over me only for it to be replaced with nervousness as I saw the look on the Doctor's face. Something wasn't right here... Oh gosh I must have something serious! I gulped, feeling myself start to freak out.

"So what do they say? Is it bad? Am I going to die?"

Rig burst out laughing and shook her head. "No, you're not going to die Alexa, don't worry."

"Phew!" I breathed a sigh of relief.

"As for if it's bad.... That depends on your point of view. You see.... The results of the day tests show.... You're pregnant."

"WHAT?!!" I screamed in shock.

I scanned the papers, my eyes quickly reading the words while my brain tried to process them and what all of this meant. All of them, every single test, gave me the same answer. I was 100% pregnant.

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