Chapter 14: A Little Exploring

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Maya POV

Once I got back to my room I sat on my bed and looked out the window. I watched as speeders flew past and people walked through the streets for what seemed like forever. I admit I am completely and undeniably bored right now which made me think.... I haven't actually been on a walk around the city.

All I've ever seen of the city is when Skywalker takes me to the Chancellor's office in the Senate building. That's it! Well actually no.... I also got to see a tiny little bit of the city with Alexa and Rendal. Still.... I want to go look around and explore! I want to finally get out of the Temple and have a little fun! But what if Skywalker, Alexa or rendal come and see that I'm not here. I'll get into so much trouble if I go. But.... I won't take to long and I need to get out of the temple! Ok, I've made up my mind. I'm going and that's that!

I walked out of my room and quickly ran through the halls until I was out of the doors and outside of the temple.

I can't believe I'm doing this maybe I should ask Alexa rendal or Skywalker to go with me. I shook my head, what am I thinking? None of them would show me around. I sighed and walked down the steps.

Once I was on the busy streets I walked around, people were looking at me like I was some freak, but I just ignored them and kept walking. I had to much to do, see, hear and smell before I had to go back to worry about a few weirdos looking at me.

I couldn't hide the smile on my face as I glanced around at all of the interesting sights, from things like just ordinary, everyday humans to strange alien species I had never seen in my entire life! I had to stifle a laugh when I saw some that big long noses that almost brushed the ground and they nearly tripped over them!

The street seemed pretty loud today, with the hum and roar of the speeders flying constantly overhead and the sounds of people talking and laughing with each other as they moved to their destination.

It made me happy to see others having a good time while they're out and about and I felt my smile stretch even wider as I saw a group of friends playing with each other. I really love this city.

I soon walked passed the shops, I saw the ice cream parlour that Alexa, Rendal and I had gone to and seeing how it was a relatively hot day I decided to go inside. I soon saw there were lots people in here and I had to try and weave my way through to get to the counter. I smiled a little when I saw the same girl was at the counter when I first came here. She looked at me.

"Hello what would you like?"

"Can I have the rainbow ice cream please."  She nodded then looked at me thoughtfully for a moment.

"Hey are you the girl that was here with Alexa and Rendal about two weeks ago?"  She asked and I nodded.

"Yep, that's me."  I her a gave a smile.

"I'm Clare."

"I'm Maya."  We shook hands.

"I'll get the ice cream for you."  She said then went to get it. Minutes later she came back and gave the yummy cold treat to me.  "Here you go."

"Thank you."  I paid her with the few credits I owned and went to find somewhere to sit.

I found a empty table near the back of the room and sat down, snagging it for myself before anyone else could jump in and take it.  Mind you there weren't really that many people in there... I took a bite out of the ice cream and grinned, I still can't believe how delicious this is!

As I sat there I couldn't help watching the other people who came in and out.  It seemed like almost everyone liked a different flavour of ice cream, though some appeared to be more popular than others.  Like the mango for instance, many people had bought that, and the beelpop flavoured ice cream, it was popular too.

I also noticed that you could get different amounts of ice cream, you could get big cups or little cups, some were designed for kids and some looked big enough to hold enough ice cream to last for weeks...

During my time there I must have seen a dozen people come and go, and amongst them I saw a little girl and her mother.  Part of me was a little jealous that I'd never gotten to come to a place like this with my mother, but I was also happy for her.  She would have nice memories of times like this when she grew older...and so would I.  While her mum ordered their ice cream the little girl turned and saw me, she flashed me a cheeky grin and I smiled in return.  When she left she even said goodbye to me and waved from the door, I did the same and waved back.  The whole thing brightened my day, she was cute.

Soon I finished the ice cream and got up and walked out of the ice cream parlour. I'd better go back to the temple. I have a feeling that Skywalker will be wondering were I am and I have a feeling that I'm going to get in trouble for this. I started walking back to the temple, mentally preparing myself for the lecture I would receive from Skywalker when he found me. Oh boy.

Once I got back to the Temple and was walking down the hall, headed back to my room, I saw Skywalker. Oh no I'm in trouble! He saw me and I froze as he walked over to me, the expression on his face telling me that my suspicions had been right, I was in trouble.

"Maya where were you?!"  Skywalker asked angrily.

"I... I went to explore the city."  I replied.

"Maya you can't be going off on your own like that! You could have gotten hurt! I thought you ran away!"

"Well I'm not hurt and I didn't run away, so I'm sorry for going off to explore a little."

"Good.  Just don't do it again, you can't be leaving the temple with out some one being with you."

"Are... Are you joking?"  I asked shocked.  "Skywalker I'm not a little kid! I should be able to do my own thing! I needed to get out of the temple and I wanted to explore. I shouldn't need someone with me all the time! I can take care of myself! I lived on Tatooine on my own for four years! With out parents! I had no one! o I think I can take care of myself! I don't need you, or anyone else, treating me like a child!" I said furiously.

"Maya I-"

"Skywalker I'm living in a temple, I have you as my master and I have made friends. I know running off without telling you, Rendal or Alexa was a bad thing to do, but if I had told you I was going into the city you would stop me and say that I can't go off on own. I am really sorry for running off and I won't do it again."  I looked down at the floor and Skywalker put his hand on my shoulder.

"That's good to hear."  Skywalker said. He gave me a smile and I returned it.  "Cmon on lets go find Alexa and Rendal."  He suggested. I nodded and we started walking.

Then something popped into my head.  When I was Count Dooku's apprentice I remember Skywalker had a padawan. It wasn't Alexa it, though.... It was someone else, I think her name was Ashoka...  I wonder were she is, I haven't seen her around.

"Hey Skywalker where is your old padawan?  I think her name was Ahsoka, wasn't it? Where is she? Is she still in the order?"  He didn't say anything. "Skywalker is Ashoka still in the order?"  I asked again.

"No she isn't, Ashoka left a few years ago."  He murmured.

"Oh.... Why did she leave?"  I asked becoming kinda sad.

"The council didn't trust her."

"Why didn't they trust her?"

"Maya why are you even asking me this?"  Skywalker snapped at me.

"I'm sorry I....  I was just wondering.  I....  I have to go."  I started speed walking away from Anakin.

I finally got to my room the large metal doors opened and I walked in.  I signed and walked over to the window and stared out.  What a day this was turning out to be.

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