Chapter 41: Decisions, Decisions

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Maya POV

I had left Alexa's room after hearing the great news about Alexa and Rendal's engagement and their baby. It was all so wonderful, aside from Jay being kept in the dark about it because Yoda hasn't told the council yet about Alexa's pregnancy. It was frustrating to have to keep it from Jay, but I promised them I would keep it a secret and I wouldn'tbreak that promise.  I just hoped Yoda told the Council soon. I wondered how they would take it.

Probably not very well, but as long as Alexa and Rendal aren't going to be expelled that's what matters.  I thought to myself.

I went into the mess hall and joined the line to get my lunch, in all of the earlier I had forgotten what time it was, it hadn't been until after I'd left Alexa's room that I'd realised how hungry I was feeling.  It was just a pain that the line was so long.

"Hello Maya."  I turned my head to see Anakin standing behind me.

"Oh hello Master. I didn't think you wouldn't be coming here so soon, I thought you would be with With Alexa and Rendal, or be with your secret wi-"

"Maya."  Anakin hissed quietly.  "Not here."

"Whatever."  I rolled my eyes then faced forward again as the line slowly moved forward.

I heard Anakin sigh softly, "Maya I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

"Oh it's fine, Master."  I replied sarcastically before I got my food and went to an empty table near the back of the mess hall where I put my tray down and sat as I waited for Anakin to catch up.  When he sat down opposite me I started talking again, keeping my voice low, "It's weird to think that you are actually married, I didn't think you were that sort of person."

"What kind of person did expect me to be Maya?"  He asked with a small smirk.

"Well I expected you to be the kind of person, actually Jedi, who wouldn't break the biggest rule in the code."  I show him a glare for a second.  "You know, getting yourself attached, falling in love. That not who I expected you to be Master."

"I know, but Maya, we really shouldn't be talking-"

"Sometimes I think that rule is reall y stupid though," I muttered, "Why aren't you able have feelings for someone else, and if you do then you get expelled.  I understand why it's not allowed, I really do, but everyone, even the Jedi, should be allowed to love.  That's why I'm happy for Rendal and Alexa, they should be happy, and so you, Master. Let me just say, though, it was really shocking to hear about your... Well you know." I smirked and he chuckled. "Can I ask you a few questions?"

"I suppose so, but keep your voice down, if word of this gets out then we will both be in serious trouble." He warned quietly.

"I know, I know. Anyway, first do you have any children?" Anakin raised an eyebrow at me.

"No Maya, I don't have children."

"You sure?"

Yes I'm sure." He rolled his eyes.

"Ok then at least I know that now."

"You aren't going to leave this alone, are you?"

"Nope. Sorry, I'm just very curious about this. So... Who is your wife?" I asked leaning over the table a little.

Anakin shook his head. "I can't tell you that, Maya,"

"Why not?"

"Because I can't."

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