Chapter 13: Pet Name

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Maya POV

I woke up the next morning, still slightly tired from missing out on some sleep, but what could I do?  So I decided to get up I might as well go get some breakfast get started on the day. I quickly got dressed and headed off.  When I arrived at the mess hall I got a tray and waited in a line. Once I got my breakfast I went to find a table, that was when I saw Skywalker sitting at a table on his own.  I walked over to him.

"Hello Skywalker."  He looked up at me.

"Hi Maya."

"Do you Mind if I join you?"

"Sure."  I put my tray on the table and sat down. "How did you sleep Maya?"

"Ok I guess."  I replied not making sure not to mention that I had been kept awake for a while.

"What did you think of the your first mission?"

"It was ok."  I shrugged remembering what had transpired that day.

"I'm so sorry about what happened Maya.... Are you going to be ok now that Dooku is dead?"  He asked concerned.

"Yeah I'll be fine."

"I am really sorry Maya."

"Why are you sorry Skywalker?"

"I killed your old master."

It was kinda surprised to hear Skywalker say that he was sorry for killing Dooku, but thinking about it I'm glad the he is dead. Now that the Council know that he is dead they might not think of me as a Sith anymore. The Chancellor was right Dooku was too dangerous to be kept alive.

"Skywalker it's fine don't apologise for killing Dooku.... In fact I'm glad he is dead, he won't be going killing anyone else now. And since he's gone the Council might not think of me as his apprentice anymore."  Skywalker looked at me a little bit shocked. I then cast my eyes down. "Anyway let's change the subject."

"Yes, let's."  He nodded.  "So I heard that you and Alexa are Friends now...."

"Yeah we're friends."

"I see.... Did Alexa tell you that her and Rendal are dating?"

"Yes she did."

"Maya do you promise not to tell anyone about Rendal and Alexa dating?"

"Yes Skywalker, I promise not to get anyone, besides there is no one here to tell."

"There are plenty of people to tell."

"Who?"  I asked sceptical.

"There's the Council, Jay, the troopers, there's a lot of people, Maya."

"I wouldn't tell any of them about Alexa and Rendal, don't worry Skywalker their secret is safe with me."

"Good because they mean the world to each other and if the Council ever found out about their relationship they would be expelled from the Jedi Order and we don't want that, now do we?"  He asked and I sensed a threat in his words and I trembled slightly.

"No we don't."  I shook my head.

"Anyway, we should start eating."

"Yeah."  I nodded and we began eating our breakfast.

Anakin POV

"So what do you want to do today, Squirt?"  I asked as we walked out of the mess hall.

"I don't know maybe- hang on a second! Squirt?!"  Her eyes widened, her jaw dropped and I noticed her fists clench.  She almost looked like a pop-eyed toy from one of those claw machines at the fun fair.  Perfectly funny!  I had to engage in an intense internal struggle to not just burst out laughing at her over-the-top reaction.

"Yeah, Squirt."  I nodded grinning as her face began to turn red.

"Since when did I say you could call me that?!" She asked and I felt her anger growing and bubbling up inside her.

"Whoever said you had a choice?  I decide what I call you, got it?  Now come on, Squirt, let's go do some sparring practice."  I chuckled as she growled and watched her lips curl and her nostrils flared before she surged ahead of me in a huff! I laughed and shook my head, following her to the training room.

Once we got there I went to the store cupboard and tossed Maya a training saber, which reminded me that I would have to ask Master Yoda about letting her go to Illum and find her crystal so she can construct her own lightsaber. Until then, however, she would just have to use this one.

"Ready when you are Skywalker."  She nodded as she caught it and activated it, I smiled as the glowing blue blade emerged from the hilt and I heard the all too familiar hum of energy.

"Then let's go!"  I instantly to the offensive and began to attack her.  I felt her annoyance at being put in the defensive position, but I knew she would get over it.

Boy was I right! Every blow I tried to inflict she swiftly moved her own saber to block it then as she began gaining confidence she would try and return the swipe, thrust, jab or lunge which I would block. Our battle raged as our lightsabers clashed in a strange and elegant dance until I decided to things to the next level and start pointing out this she needed to improve and see how it distracted her.

"You're pretty good at this."  I said.

"Thanks Skywalker."

"You're welcome, Squirt, but you know I think you need to work on your Jung ma."

"Right."  She nodded as we continued to spar until I managed to unbalance her and she nearly fell!

"Come on, Squirt! You need to always make sure that you keep your balance no matter what move you are performing!"

"Yes, Skywalker."  She growled and rolled her eyes before trying to perform a Saber Swarm to which I blocked and disarmed her!

"Ha ha! Well done, Squit, but it looks like I win this round."

"Will you stop calling me Squirt?!  Jeez Skywalker!  Just give it up!"  She shouted then stormed out.

I sighed, I guess I just took it too far.

"Don't blame yourself, she's just frustrated."  I heard a familiar voice before turning to the door where I saw Alexa offering me a small smile.

"She shouldn't be frustrated though, she's doing really well!"

"That's true, but she doesn't see it like that. She's missing things that she knows she should be able to do and it makes her angry, trust me I know from experience."  She smirked.

"Yeah, but you didn't just give up. You kept going until you were to sore to keep going and by that time I could barely lift my lightsaber!"  We both laughed at the memories.

"That was pretty funny to just see you trudge to your room then flake out on your bed and refuse to move for hours."

"Could you blame me?  You're one of the best duellers in the Order!"  I praised my old padawan, smiling as her face turned a darker shade of orange.

"Thank you and I really don't know if that's true.... But Maya has the potential to rival me, you know."

"I know that and you know that, but she doesn't seem to know it."

"Well then we just have to find a way to show her and that means keep the pet names to a minimum until she comes to accept it, alright?"

"Alright. Wait, you heard?"  I asked surprised.

"Yes.... I was watching the two of you as you walked down here."  She grinned sheepishly. I laughed.

"So, do you think you could try and talk to Maya?"

"Of course, I'll go and see her now, I might even bring her a surprise...."  She winked then left to find my padawan.

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