Chapter 40: The Announcements

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Alexa POV

Not long after that my fiancé, gosh I never thought I'd be referring to him as that, flew us back to Coruscant.

The whole way there, my eyes went from staring at the gorgeous ring on my finger to looking at Rendal.  This had been by far the BEST day of my life!  Suddenly my happiness faded, however, as a thought hit me.  There was still something I needed to tell Rendal.  But what if the news of the baby made him take the ring back?  He might not want me to be his fiancée anymore, instead he might think I'm a disgrace and tell me that he didn't want to know me or the baby!  My hands started to tremble, all of a sudden I wondered if this day was going to turn into a complete disaster.

"Come on Lex, we're home."  Rendal's voice pulled me from my thoughts.

"Oh ok."  I replied softly, getting up and going to the landing ramp which slowly went down so that we could exit the ship.  He quickly followed and we walked into the hangar bay before heading into the Temple, I had to admit it was comforting to be back here since Master Yoda had said that no matter what happened he wouldn't just let me be thrown out onto the streets.  Still...the thought of rejection from Rendal was enough to give me nightmares.  I shuddered softly then shook my head, hoping my fiancé wouldn't sense my nervousness.

Once inside the Temple we started going toward my room only to be stopped by none other than Obi Wan Kenobi, he looked at the both of us before he tilted his head, looking at Rendal curiously.  I grinned, my worries temporarily forgotten, he had known what Rendal was going to do.  I showed him the ring on my finger and his face lit up.  "My congratulations to the both of you, but I'm still worried about what will happen if anyone finds out about this."

"I know you are Master, but I have to do this.  I l-o-v-e her."  His old padawan whispered in reply, taking my hand and giving it a gentle squeeze.

"Well why do you think I authorised for the both of you to have time off?  I know you're both crazy about each other, just be careful."

"We will."  We both nodded.

It was then that I decided that I needed to do something.  "Master Kenobi, would you be able to find Anakin, Cora and Maya then bring them to my room?"

"Yes, I assume you want to tell them about this?"

"Yes and I have another surprise for them."  I forced a smile onto my face.  They both looked at me surprised.

"Very well then, I will go find them and meet you back in your room."

"We'll see you then."  I nodded and we went our separate ways.

"So what is this other surprise?"

"If I tell you then it won't be a surprise, will it?"

"I suppose not."  He chuckled.

"Anyway, I have something for you once we get to my room."



"What is it?"

"It's part of the surprise."

"Oh ok, so do I get to open it before the others come?"

"I was going to make you wait but....  Maybe I'll let you have it before they get there.  We'll just have to wait and see what I decide when we get inside."


He seemed alright with that and by the time we walked into my room I had made up my mind.  I wen't over to my bedside and opened up the bottom draw, pulling out some papers which I had wrapped up.  I wanted to at least make it look like this was a good thing and not something that would make him dump me and never want to speak to me again.  With the gift wrapped papers in my hands I walked back over to him and gave them to him.  "Here's your surprise..."

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