Chapter 35

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Anakin POV

It's been a couple of weeks now and Maya and Cora have been let out of the halls of healing, However they must still go back for checks to make sure they are progressing well in their recoveries. Right now I am walking through the hallways to go see Maya and see how she is doing.

When I got to Maya's room I knocked gently and the metal doors opened slid open allowing me to walk in. Maya was lying on her bed, it looked like my young padawan had fallen asleep and I had been about to leave when she turned and looked at me.

"Oh hi Anakin." She said sitting up.

"Sorry for disturbing you Maya, were you asleep?"

"Oh no I was just thinking about something. Anyway why are you here Skywalker?"

"I just wanted to see how you are doing."

"Well I'm doing good thanks. I feel a whole lot better than I did previously, some of my bruises are healing up and fading away."

"That's good Maya yeah it is good but this stupid cast that's on my arm is such a pain I hate it so much." She growled and I gave a small laugh.

"You will be getting the cast off very soon Maya don't worry." She gave a small smile which she returned before sighing and staring down at the floor. I sat down on the edge of the bed beside her. "Something wrong Maya?"

"No. Well maybe... Yes. Ugh I don't know Anakin." She shook her head and I could sense her frustration.

"Why don't you tell me what's up?" Maya didn't look up as she answered me.

"In all honesty I'm scared." Her voice was soft as she spoke.

"Why are you scared, Maya?"

"Because I might get expelled from the Jedi Order."

"Why would you think that?" I asked concerned.

"Because of my relationship with Jay."

"Maya if you think I will tell the council about you and Jay I'm not going to tell them and Rendal and Alexa aren't going to tell them either. Your secret is safe with us." I promised her, but from the way she was talking I had the feeling that someone else might have found out her secret.

"I know Anakin. I know very well that you, Alexa and Rendal won't tell, but someone else knows about Jay and me."

"Who else knows Maya who did you tell?"

"I didn't tell anyone, Anakin. Jay told someone."

I looked at her surprised, I wouldn't have thought Jay would tell someone something as important and private as this. "Who did he tell Maya?"

"One of the masters that are on the council!"

"What?!  Which master?"

"Jay told Master Plo Koon! I'm going to get expelled!" She cried and I put my hand on her shoulder.

Now that she told me who it was that now knew about her romance with Jay it made sense, Plo was Jay's master which meant that something had probably happened so Jay thought his master should know about it. 'Look here Maya. You might not get expelled. Master Plo might not tell the the other council members about you and Jay."

"But what if he does say something to the council? Jay and I will be in so much trouble! We will be expelled from the order! We will have nowhere to go!"

"Maya it's going to be ok, you won't get expelled because I'll do everything I can to make sure it doesn't happen, ok? I promise I won't let you be expelled. You have my word." She smiled.

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