Chapter 4: The Council's Decision

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Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars.


Maya POV

We arrived at the temple, I was shaking, the palms of my hands were sweaty. To be honest I have no clue why I'm behaving like this, it's weird.

"Ok Maya stay here, I just need to tell the council your here."

"Ok Skywalker."

"Alexa will you stay with Maya?" Skywalker asked.

"Sure Anakin." Alexa replied. Skywalker then walked into the room and I started picking at my nails.

"Maya everything will be ok." Alexa said. I gave her a smile even though I wasn't sure I believed her.

However before I could reply I was told to enter and as I glanced at Alexa I realised that she would have to wait outside and I was forced to go in alone. I managed to push my nerves aside and walked into the chamber with as much confidence as I could muster, but I felt some of it fade as I received a harsh glance from the dark-skinned human I knew to be Master Windu. It was clear he didn't want me here.

After assessing Windu's opinion of me my eyes wandered to Master Yoda, the small green alien who not only was deemed to be one of the wisest beings in the galaxy, but also the Jedi Grandmaster. His expression betrayed little of what he thought of me and he was keeping any and all emotions he had buried deep within him so I couldn't sense them, but as I looked at him I did see a small amount of curiousity hidden in his large eyes.

"Welcome young one, we are the Jedi Council." Windu stated as I returned my attention to him and bowed to the other members.

"Greetings Masters."

"Here to tell you our decision, we are." Yoda murmured glancing briefly at Skywalker. "Decided to make you Anakin's padawan, we have. Live here in the Jedi Temple with him, you will." The Grandmaster gave me a small smile as he delivered the news.

"Thank you masters." I gave them all a smile and I bowed before I walked to the door and Skywalker followed behind. Once we were out the door Alexa looked at us.

"Hi, how did it go?"

I just ignored the older girl and looked at Skywalker.

"Why do you have to be my master? I can't believe I am supposed to be learning from you! Of all the Jedi in the galaxy why do I have to be stuck with you?!" I began pacing, all the while feeling anger rise up inside me!

"Look kid I don't even want to be your master, the Council chose me to be your master so your stuck with me if you can like it or not." He replied.

"I don't like you Skywalker." I growled and he gave a bit of a smirk.

"I don't like you either but you have to live with it kid. Now let's find your room." I growled and walked behind the all too annoying Jedi.

Eventually we found my room, the doors opened and I walked in.

"So what do you think?" Alexa asked as I looked around.

"It's nice, small, but nice." I turned and gave Alexa a smile.

"Well it's late you should probably get some rest." Skywalker suggested.

"Yeah, you should go I'm pretty tired."

"Ok then." Skywalker and Alexa walked out of my room.

Well I guess this is were I'll be staying.

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