Chapter 45: Infiltrating the Base

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I wasn't sure how long we had been travelling for exactly, but I wished we would get there faster. I didn't like the idea of Anakin and Maya waiting around so close to that base with no distraction in place. Of course I trusted Master Skywalker, but I also knew that they weren't the most patient people and they could try to infiltrate the base before we were ready.

However, I found myself becoming distracted when I saw a quick flash of light from the top of a rock formation ahead of us. I frowned as I wondered if it was just the light reflecting off the snow or something else. When I didn't see it again, I assumed it was nothing and focussed on following my master.

When we finally stopped and got out, we were surrounded by a group of tall, furry creatures. They growled and made strange noises, but oddly enough they didn't seem threatening, and as I looked at my master, I saw that he appeared to be relaxed. He trusted them, which meant that I had little reason to fear them. One of them soon invited us into one of the large structures that they lived in and we followed him in.

"Master?" I asked quietly. "How are we going to talk with them if they don't speak basic?"

"There are many other ways to communicate, young one." He replied then the meeting began.

Cora POV

When we were close enough to the base our group split up to take their positions.  Anakin and Maya hid together, the clones spread out in different strategic positions with their macrobinoculars so that they could keep a close watch on the droids that were paroling, Master Kenobi watched not far from us, and I made sure to stay close to my master who seemed determined to keep an eye on me.  I was grateful for her watchfulness, being so close to Grievous again was making me nervous, but I also worried about her and the baby getting hurt.  I wondered if Master Kenobi was thinking that too and that was why he was staying nearby.

"Master, how long will we be waiting here for?"  I asked Master Arnjard quietly.

"Just until Master Plo comes back with the Talz and they start the distraction.  Then we'll make our move."  She whispered back.

I nodded then glanced over to Maya and Master Skywalker, who were conversing in hushed voices.  I couldn't hear what they were saying, but I had to admit that I was a little worried that they might be planning to move before it was time.  If they did that then we would all be in danger because the chance of getting caught was higher.  Thankfully, they seemed to be staying in position, at least for now anyway.

I looked back in the direction that Master Plo and Jay had gone, hoping to see some glint of them coming back towards us, because as much as I didn't want to face Grievous again, I didn't want to freeze to death in this snow either.  However there was no sign of them yet.

The frigid wind picked up again, whipping us hard. Even though I was dressed in Jedi issue snow gear my body began to tremble with shivers as I wished that there was someone else doing this mission instead of me. My master must have noticed because she gave me a sympathetic smile and put her arm around me, drawing me closer to her so that she could shield me from the bitter cold.

"M-Master? W-What about you?"

"I'm fine, Cora, don't worry about me." She replied, but I knew she was lying. One would have to be invincible not to feel the cold right now, however, I didn't argue with her.  At least, since I was so close to her, I was partially protecting her from the cold too.  I just wished there was more I could do.

Just when I saw that Master Skywalker move slightly, and thought he was about to suggest that we forget the plan and get moving, something caught my eye.  There was a small glint of light in the distance and as I squinted I could just see the snowspeeders racing back toward us.

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