Chapter 23: Jealous?

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Anakin POV

After talking with Maya I went straight to my quarters, I was beat and needed sleep, so I was all too happy to get changed out of my robes and get into bed ready to sleep.  However my peaceful sleep was interrupted when dark images filled my mind.

I saw red and black everywhere....  It looked like there were embers flying through the air, whatever planet it was it didn't seem friendly that's for sure.  Suddenly I heard an ear-piercing scream!  As I looked around my eyes then landed on a body, it was lying on the ground unmoving.  I raced over to it and gaped when I saw who it was; Alexa!

Her face was twisted an agony and horror as I looked at her.  Then I saw what had killed her, there was a gaping whole in her chest where a lightsaber had gone through her and I saw that she was lying in a puddle of her own blood!

"No!   Alexa h-how?!  Who?!" I fell to my knees as I felt my rage burst from within me and I screamed.  The wretched sound bursting from my throat, filling the air until it could be heart no more.  I then gently picked her up and cradled her body in my arms. She was so cold as I carefully closed her now lifeless eyes and held her close to me sobbing loudly only to stop when laughter filled the air.  Loud, deep, sinister laughter.  It echoed around and its sound almost drove me to insanity.  "NO!"

I bolted up in bed gasping for breath. I was covered in cold sweat and my eyes were wide with fear.  What had I just seen?!

Minutes later I heard my door hiss and I knew it had opened, I didn't bother to see who it was as the voice gave it away.

"Anakin?"  It was Maya.

"Y-Yes Maya?  What are you doing here?"

"I felt a disturbance in the Force and I came to see if you were alright."

"Well thank you for coming, but I am fine."

"You're lying."  She replied flicking on the light and walking over to me.

The look on her face said it all when she saw my sweaty, trembling form.  There was no way she would believe I was alright now.  So I decided to quit while I was ahead.

"You're right, I was. I'm not fine."  I sighed.

"I can tell....  So what happened?"

"I.... I don't want to talk about it."

"Come on."  She sat on the bed.  "You can trust me, I won't tell anyone if you want this to stay a secret."

"Well.... Alright. It was a dream."  I said deciding it was best to tell her.

"What kind of dream?"

"A nightmare."

"What was it about?"

"Alexa....  She was killed."  I murmured as tears stung at my eyes recalling what I had seen in the nightmare.

"What?!  Anakin that's impossible! She can't die!"

"She can and she did."

"But it was only a dream, right? That doesn't mean it's absolutely going to happen, does it?"  She asked nervous. I shook my head.

"No, it doesn't. Now why don't we forget about it and go back to bed, ok?"

"Ok."  She nodded slowly before getting up and heading to the door, but she paused just before leaving and turned back to look at me. 'You didn't happen to see who did it, did you?'

"No."  I shook my head she then sighed and faced the door again.

"Goodnight Anakin."

"Night Maya."  The girl turned the light off and left, leaving me alone in the darkness where I fell asleep once more, but this time no dreams came to me.

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