Chapter 46: Capturing the Head Clanker

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Hey guys! I am sorry that it's been so long since we updated this story, but Grace and I have been very busy over the last few months and have only recently been able to resume working on this story.  Anyway, I hope you guys aren't too angry about how long it's taken to post this chapter, and I hope you enjoy reading this.



It had been a while since Cora and Alexa went into the base and there was still no sign of masters Kenobi or Skywalker, which meant they either haven't found or had already arrested General Grievous.

Outside the base the battle still raged, with more droids continuing to reinforce the others and more clones are getting injured or killed.  However, just when it seemed that hope had been lost, almost half of the droids, those that were closest to the base stopped shooting at us and turned around to walk back into the base.  It was a strange move for the droids, why would they just give up?  It wasn't like them.

Confused as to what was happening, I looked to my master.  "What's going on, master?  Do you think the Separatists are going on the run?  Have we won?"

"I don't think this fight is over just yet, my young padawan.  If the droids have started retreating back into the base it could mean something is happening inside."

"Do you think they've captured the others?"  I asked, my concern rising as I continued to deflect the oncoming blaster bolts back at the tinnies, managing to take out a few as I did.

"I don't know."  He replied and we slashed through more of the droids when we were close enough.  Soon the last of the droids fell.

"General, sir."  Rex came over.  "We have destroyed all of the remaining droids."  He informed us

 "Well done, Captain."  Master Plo said then looked at me.  "Jay go inside and look for masters Kenobi and Skywalker, I will stay out here to make sure that Grievous and his droids don't try to escape."

I nodded my head, "Yes Master."  I then went into the base with a few clones to back me up as we looked for the Jedi Masters.

Maya POV

After I separated from Anakin and Obi Wan, I wandered around the base, trying to cover more ground. So far it was quiet, I had yet to run into any droids, and there was no sign of Grievous. With no immediate threats around, I found my mind wandering to Anakin.

He he had been so annoying lately, especially on this mission. He didn't want to let me out of his sight until Master Kenobi had agreed with me that it was best for us to split up. I could understand why Anakin wanted me to stay with them, he didn't want me to get hurt again like I did the last time I faced the head clanker, but this time I was going to be more careful. I just wished he would stop worrying and trust me.

"Ah!" I shouted as a sharp pain in my arm shattered my thoughts.

I stumbled forward and landed on my knees, my hand instinctively wrapping around my arm. Peaking through my fingers I could see blood starting to seep out of the wound. I tightened my grip around it, despite the pain, in an attempt to stop the bleeding.

"Hands up, Jedi!" I groaned internally up at the familiar tinny-sounding, automated voice. Not seeing any other options, I raised my hands and slowly turned around to see a small group of droids standing with their blasters all pointed at me.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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