Chapter 24

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Maya POV

It had been a while and I was still in my room counting speeders that flew past, thinking about the kiss and Jay asking me to be his girlfriend, and how I'm not supposed tell Anakin, Alexa and Rendal about it.

I have to tell them I can't keep this a secret, but if I do then we could get in trouble...  Ugh, I have to get out of here.

I got up from the bed and walked out of my room I need to do something, I decided to go to practice room, when I walked in Anakin, Alexa and Rendal were in here.

Oh great.

Alexa was punching the dummy while Rendal and Anakin messed around with their lightsabers, then Alexa turned and looked at me.

"Oh hey Maya."

"Hi Alexa."  I walked in.

"Good timing kid, now that you are here what do you say about doing some sparring?"  Anakin asked.

"Not right now, I'm not really feeling it today."  I sat down on the round couch.

"Maya is everything ok?"  Rendal asked as the others looked at each other concerned.

"Yeah everything is great."  I replied, half lying.

I know Jay said not to tell them about us, but I have to tell them if I don't it's going to bug me. So here it goes....!

"Guys....  I need to tell you guys something."

"O-Ok Maya what's up?"  Anakin asked looking a little worried.

"Well Jay and I....  We like each other, he asked me to be girlfriend and now we are together!"  I announced, unable to keep the happiness out of my voice until I remembered the reason Jay had said not to tell them.  "Please don't tell the council!"

"Oh that's great Maya!  Don't worry, we won't tell. After all you've kept our Secret so we will keep yours."  Alexa smiled sitting down beside me.  "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks Alexa."  I grinned then looked at Rendal.

"Maya and Jay sitting in a tree K.I.S.S.I.N.G!"   I laughed at Rendal.  "I'm happy for you Maya."  Rendal said and I gave him a smile.

"Thank you Rendal."

I then looked at Anakin.  I had a feeling this wasn't going to go so well.  "Anakin?"  I asked cautiously.

"That's great Maya, but you do now you and Jay are going to have to keep it on the down low."  He smiled, then looked at me seriously when giving me the warning.

"I know that Anakin....  So you're not mad?"

"No Maya I'm not mad, I'm happy for you."  I smiled.

"Thank you Anakin."

"You're welcome."

Anakin POV

It's been a half an hour now.  Alexa, Rendal and I are still in the practice room, I watched Rendal and Maya fight each other, they weren't really taking the sparring that seriously, they seemed to be messing around mostly.

I just can't believe Maya and Jay are actually together, it's a wonder Maya told us about them.  Maya is growing up she is getting happier and less moody, which is definitely good for not only her, but all of us.  I mean I've already had to look after one moody teenager, much less having Maya stay moody.  I was then pulled from my thoughts as Alexa walked over to me and sat down.

"Everything ok Anakin?"  I looked at her and nodded.

"Yeah, everything is fine."

"I'm happy that Maya and Jay are together."  She smiled.

"I'm happy for her too Alexa....  Maya has changed, she isn't that moody girl that I bumped into on Tatooine anymore."

"No, she's not. Now she's happy.... You've managed to help another padawan. I knew you could do it."  Her blue eyes seemed to shine with pride for me. I was about to reply, but as I stared at her I started thinking about that the dream that I had last night about Alexa being killed.  She then looked at me concerned.  "I sense there is something on your mind Anakin."

"There's nothing on my mind, Alexa."

"Yes there is Anakin....  Want to tell me what's up?"

"I appreciate the concern, Lex, but I'm fine."  I then got up and walked over to Maya and Rendal. They were messing around Maya was swinging the training saber around and she almost hit me with it.  "Maya!"  She looked at me.

"Oh sorry Anakin."

"I think that's enough messing around, I mean training, for now."

"Ok Skywalker."

"Actually, can I talk to you Maya?"

"Sure."  She nodded and we went out into the hall.  "What's up?'

"You haven't told Alexa or Rendal anything have you?"

"Apart from Jay and I? No. What else would I- Oh.... No I haven't mentioned it."  She replied.


"Yes, I promise."


"Why have you?"

"No!  But it's becoming harder to keep it to myself, Alexa sensed something was up, but I told her it was nothing."

"If she's sensed something then she won't let it go, you know that.  Maybe you should just tell her."

"I can't!"

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I....  I don't know."  I sighed.  "I'll think of something....  If anyone needs me I'll be in the meditation garden."  I then turned and left.

I went to the garden and sat amongst the trees and plants, allowing the calmness and serenity to flow over me as I crossed my legs and closed my eyes.  I needed to take a step back, just because the dream was similar to those of my mother before she died didn't mean this one would happen....  I wouldn't let it happen.  Alexa was too important to me.

I don't know how long I stayed there meditating, all I know is that after a while I felt another presence there with me.

"Hello Anakin."  I immediately recognised the distinguished voice of my old master.

"Hello Obi Wan."  I murmured my greeting as he sat down beside me. 'What are you doing here?'

"I heard you were here and I wanted to check on you, I know you've been under some stress lately.  How are you going?"

"Good, fine."  I replied, lying through my teeth.

"Anakin, I know you, don't try and lie to me.  Let me help you, please?"  He stared at me, concern and worry showing in his eyes.  It was obvious he wouldn't let me brush him off.

'Alright...."  I sighed giving in.  "Last night I had a dream that Alexa was murdered"  I saw his eyes widen and his mouth fall open slightly in shock.

"Have you told her?"

"No."  I shook my head.  "How can I? What would I say? Oh hi Alexa, by the way I thought I should mention I had a dream where I found you murdered!  Could you imagine how she would react?!"

"I understand what you mean....  But Anakin it was only a dream, there's no proof that it will actually happen."

"I know, that's what I told Maya when she found me after I had the nightmare, but....  What if it does?  Alexa and I have been through so much, I can't lose her....  Not like that!"  Tears slipped from my eyes.

"Calm down Anakin."  He put his hand on my shoulder.  "We will make sure that this doesn't happen."  He assured me and I managed to pull myself together.

"Thank you, Obi Wan."  I whispered.

"Any time old friend."

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