Chapter 16

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Maya POV

Later Anakin, Alexa and I were walking through the temple chatting together when I heard someone's stomach growl.

"Oops, sorry, that was me.  You guys want go get dinner?"  Alexa asked.

"Sure."  Anakin nodded.

"I'm not that hungry, I think I'll pass and I am really tired so I'm going to go to bed."

"Ok Maya."  Anakin said.

"Good night."

"Good night."  Alexa replied.

I went to my room where I went to bed and soon fell asleep. However I started to have an incredibly strange dream....

At first all I saw was a bright, almost blinding, light. I could hardly stand to look at it, but then after a little while it started to dim until I could see shapes. They looked like sloping hills, but different. I then saw something or someone, standing among the hills, as they materialised in front of me I realised it was a man and woman. It wasn't long before the details of their faces came into place and I could swear I knew them, but who are they? That was when it dawned on me.

My parents!?

I sat bolt up in bed gasping for air.

My parents are alive?! How?! I thought they were dead!

I need to find Alexa and Anakin.

I swiftly got out of bed and raced out of my room, I felt no embarrassment as I ran crazily through the Temple until I came to the mess hall. Glancing around frantically I finally saw Alexa and Anakin, I noticed that Rendal was with them, but that didn't matter at the moment. I quickly went over to the three of them.

"Hey Maya."  Rendal gave me a smile.

"Maya, I thought you were going to bed."  Alexa reminded me confused.

"Yes, I did, but something happened."  I explained, my voice starting to waver slightly.

"Maya are you ok?"  Anakin asked concerned.

"I-I don't know."

"What happened Maya?"  He asked.  "Sit."  He moved over and I shakily sat down beside him.

"I had a dream...."

"A dream? What kind of dream?"  He asked suspicious.

"I-I saw my parents!"

"What!?  Maya you told me that your parents were killed by a bounty hunter!"  Alexa said.

"Yes, but the dream showed me that they are alive! I have to know if it's so I'm going back to Tatooine to find my parents."

"What?!"  Anakin Alexa and Rendal looked at me shocked.

"Maya you can't just go!"  Skywalker said.

"I need to find them! I need to know if they are alive or dead!"

"You aren't going on your own."  Anakin shook his head.

"I know that Skywalker.  I want you to come with me and help me find my parents.  Will you?"

"I was going to go with you whether you wanted me to or not, Maya."  He replied and I smiled.

Maya if you parents are alive are you going to stay with them or stay in the order ? Anakin asked. Am I don't know that's a hard question If my parents are alive I'm going to have to stay with them

"You don't have to stay with them."  Rendal murmured.

"They're my parents, I haven't seen them since I was little, of course I have to stay with them!"

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