Chapter 43: Orto Plutonia

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Anakin POV

We managed to beat Obi Wan and the others to the Sujimis sector as was the plan, this way we could draw the droids into a fight and take out their ships so that they others could land on the planet.  When we came it of hyperspace we were able to see the command ship which was flanked by another two ships.

"Looks like they've under estimated us."  I said to the Admiral.

"Perhaps."  He replied simply.

"This will be easy."  I smiled confidently, however something in the back of my mind made me wonder if this was too easy...  "Well come on, Maya."  I told her and started in the direction of the hangar.  We couldn't just stand around staring at the Separatists if we wanted to make way for Obi Wan's ground assault.

"What are we doing?"  My padawan asked, jogging to catch up with me.

"Going to join the fight, what else would we be doing?"

"Cool!  So does that mean-"

"Less talking, more running."

I heard her groan, but focussed on getting to the hangar.  If we wanted to get the fighters into the battle then we didn't have any time to waste talking.  When we reached the star destroyer's hangar I began shouting orders.

"Shadow Squadron, to your fighters!"

"Do I get to pilot a fighter?"  Maya asked.

"No, you're going to be my gunner."

"Aw really?  Can't I have my own ship?"

"Another time, but for now, I need you to make sure we don't get shot down."

"But why can't one of the clones do that?  I can fly a ship myself, Anakin."

"I know you can, but just not now."

"Please?  You never let me fly a ship."  She whined, making me roll my eyes.

"Maya we don't have time for this!  Just get in the ship."

"Fine!"  She snapped and finally did what I asked her to.

"Teenagers."  I muttered just in time for Rex to walk over to me, chuckling when he heard what I said.

"Problems with the Commander, sir?"

"Nothing serious Rex.  Are the men ready to move out?"

"Yes sir, they await your orders."

"Thanks Rex.  Stand by on the bridge with Admiral Ularen."

"Yes sir."  He saluted me then we went our separate ways.

When I got into my fighter I had to roll my eyes as I heard Maya muttering her complaints to herself, it seemed that it might take longer for her to get over this than I thought, but she didn't have time to hold a grudge now.

"Cut the chatter Maya, we have a mission to run."  I reminded her before giving the squadron the order to move out and we flew out of the hanger into space, heading straight for the Separatist ships.

It wasn't long before my sensors started flashing and looking up ahead I saw that the fight was about to begin.

"Vulture droids!"  I heard my gunner announce over the coms and sure enough they came at is in a swarm, rapidly firing as they approached.

"Alright men, you know what to do, let's take 'em out."  I ordered and swerved to try and out manoeuvre them as they came into range.  "Start firing Maya!"

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