Chapter 42: Mission Briefing

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Cora POV

I sat in the meditation garden with my eyes closed and my legs crossed, but by now I had decided to take a break from my meditation and decided to simply enjoy the sounds and scents of the garden. I had been meditating for most of that morning since breakfast when I felt something strange in the Force.  I didn't know exactly what it was, but when I tried to meditate the feeling kept distracting me, it made me almost...  Fidgety, in a way. Like I needed to be somewhere, but I couldn't figure out where.

That was why I decided to simply try and enjoy the space around me.  Maybe some distance from the problem would help me see it better.  However, it seemed I was going to get more distance than I thought when my comlink beeped.

"Master?"  I asked after I answered it, assuming that it would be her who was calling.

"Hello Cora, you need to report to the Communications Center for a briefing on your new mission. I will meet you there along with Masters Skywalker, Kenobi, and Plo."

"Very well Master, I will be there shortly." I replied before pressing the button on my comlink to end the call. I then stood up and headed toward the door. I had to focus on the mission now, whatever it would be.

When I reached the Communications Centre I found my master, along with Masters Kenobi and Plo, however Master Skywalker seemed to be running late along with his padawan.

"Hello Cora, thank you for being so prompt." My master smiled. "It would seem that you have a better understanding of time than some Jedi." She chuckled along with Obi Wan.

"Anyway, we have a mission to discuss and we cannot wait any longer for General Skywalker to arrive." Master Plo said so we all walked over to the holo table in the center of the room.  "We have discovered that General Grievous is in the Sujimis sector of Outer Rim territories, specifically in the system of Pantora."

My eyes widened and I looked to my master, we were going after Grievous again?  And he was near my home world?  I suddenly felt ill in my stomach.  My people were in danger, but how could I help?  After last time I....

Alexa looked back at me and placed her hand on my shoulder, giving me a silent smile of support.  "You can do this."  She whispered.  I gave her a weak smile, but I wasn't so sure.

Master Kenobi then continued from Master Plo, "Reports show Grievous's ship in orbit around the planet Orto Plutonia."

"Why would he be there?" Jay asked, his brow creasing.

"There was an old Separatist outpost located on the planet, we believe that he may be trying to resurrect it again."

"So they plan to invade Orto Plutonia?"  I asked nervously.

"It looks that way."  Alexa sighed.

"Which is why we are going to Orto Plutonia to stop him."  Master Kenobi said.  "Master Plo, Jay, Cora and myself will travel there in the Negotiator, while Anakin and Maya will travel on the Resolute.  Once in the system Anakin will deal with the Separatist fleet and once given clearance we will start our ground assault."

As Master Kenobi continued with the plan I slowly edged away from the group to get some space, this was all quickly starting to become overwhelming.

After the incident I wanted to face Grievous again, to prove that I could do better than I had on Agamar, but now...  There was a lot at stake.  Orto Plutonia was really close to Pantora and, if I remembered rightly, there were people living on the freezing planet.  A species called the Tals.  If I messed up again it could have a serious impact on them, they could be hurt or killed because I wasn't good enough.  Then above all that...  What if he hurt me again?  I knew it was selfish, but he nearly killed me last time and the thought that he could do it again was terrifying.

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