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~Jungkook's POV~

I hadn't felt happier. (Y/N), she didn't push me off her when I kissed her... I also felt mad, Jimin had abused her so much, that she actually came to me.

I had called Jimin to meet me by the park. I told him to come prepared to fight. I waited by the swings.

Maybe he wouldn't come... It was 9:30 pm. I heard a cough behind me. "Jimin..." I turned around.

"What do you want now?" Jimin looked annoyed. "What the hell is wrong with you!?" I pushed him.

"(Y/N), she called me last night, saying that she was tired of you!" I growled. "I was going to respect your relationship... But what the hell did you do to her!?" I smacked him.

"I didn't do anything..." Jimin growled. He punched the side of my face. "She's at my house right now. She's probably asleep in my bed." I tried to punch him again. He blocked it, punching me in the eye.

"Like you'd win against me... You'll come home with two black eyes.." Jimin laughed. He pushed me on the floor.

"I don't see how (Y/N) can live with you... You're hurting her!" I got up again, punching his side.

"I'm not! She's perfectly fine! You've probably touched her more than me!" Jimin tangled his fingers in my hair.

"I should of got rid of you the day I saw (Y/N) with you.." He dragged me to a tree. He banged my face on it. My nose began to bleed. The guilt of trying to beat up my hyung was getting to me, my punches not being strong to even land a bruise on him.

"I like this... When your face is red with blood.." He banged my face again. "Don't touch (Y/N), ever again... And I'll let you live..." Jimin let go of me.

"Thanks for wasting my night." Jimin walked away. I coughed a bit of blood. "Damnit... I didn't even ruin his hair!" I punched the tree.

I looked bruised up. My hair was messy, and probably had blood in it.

Both my eyes were swollen, and my face was stained with blood.

I managed to get to my house. I was weak, and almost about to fall.

~(Y/N)'s POV~

I heard a knock on the door. I ran downstairs. I expected to see Jungkook. I opened the door. I screamed when I saw him. His face was bloody, and his hair was a mess.

He looked like he got run over by a car. "Jungkook!" I gasped. "H-help..." He suddenly fell forwards.

I caught him, he was heavy. "HELL HELL HELL HELL!" I tried dragging him to the couch. His nose was bleeding. I ran to the bathroom, grabbing towels and a first aid kit.

"Crap! Jungkook what the fuck happened!?" I said panicked. I wiped his face gently. His eyes were both swollen. "Aigo...." My heart raced.

I grabbed a ice pack, putting it on his nose. I grabbed a bucket. "Put your head down..." I told him. He leaned his head down. He coughed up blood clots. 

I almost gagged. I grabbed more ice packs, putting them on his eyes. "Who the hell did this!?" I said, anger in my throat.

"Jimin..." I heard him whisper. "Jimin!? He did this!?" I felt like I could shoot him in the head. I grabbed a bandage. His knuckles were bruised and bloody.

I wrapped them. "We're going to the studio tomorrow... I'll talk to Jimin." I put my hand on his cheek. 

He nodded. "I'll help you get to bed..." I lifted him up. I helped him up the stairs and into the bedroom.

I gently helped him down, getting in the bed after him. We both looked at each other. I moved some hair out of his eyes. "I'll make sure... He pays for what he did to you, okay?" I smiled. He nodded again. 

I stayed awake. Jungkook was asleep. I watched his chest rise and fall. I sighed.

I gently wrapped my arms around his, smiling.

"Jimin... You freaking idiot..." Those were the last words I said before falling asleep.


I woke up, my arms still around Jungkook. My face turned a slight pink, I looked the other way, trying to prevent myself from smiling.

"Maybe... Jungkook has more clothes that I like?" I let go of him. I walked to the room.

I found a outfit that looked good:

I found a outfit that looked good:

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(The shirt is a turtleneck)

I looked in the mirror. I walked back to the bedroom. Jungkook was still asleep. "Jungkook, wake up." I shook him. He groaned.

"I said get up, we're going to the studio..." I bit my lip. 

~~ ~~

I walked inside with Jungkook. I was holding his hand. He had a hat on, trying to cover his bruised face.

I took his hat off. "Don't worry, Jimin won't hurt you..." I for some reason kissed his cheek.

We both blushed, before opening the door to the studio. Everybody was there, including, Jimin. Everybody looked at us, our hands, and then at Jimin.

He looked mad. He rushed towards Jungkook, about to punch him in the face. I suddenly swung my hand in front of his face, catching Jimin's fist. (OHHHHH~ Sorry, lost my cool, I'll just keep editing this cra-)

He looked surprised. "(Y/N)..." He looked at me. "Don't look at me like that, you idiot!" I pushed his hand away from Jungkook.

"Why the hell did you beat Jungkook up!? Look at him! Now the media is going to go crazy!" I yelled. The other members looked confused. "Hyung beat up Jungkook!?" Taehyung looked at me with his innocent face.

"Yes, he did..." I gave Jimin the death glare. "Jimin! I gave you the chances! You blew it! Threw it out the window!" I yanked the ring he gave me off my finger.

He looked heart broken. "The ring..." Jimin mumbled. "This! This means nothing! We are over!" I threw it on the floor. Jimin's eyes filled with anger. 

~Jimin's POV~

My body was filled with rage. "Jungkook! You took her from me!" I jumped on him, pinning him on the ground. I continued to punch him in the face. 

I heard the faint screams of (Y/N). The boys pulled me off him. I screamed. "Let go!" My voice was dark.

I saw (Y/N) pick Jungkook up. I cried. She brushed his hair out of his eyes. I saw her wipe the blood of his face. I looked at the ring on the floor.

(Y/N) looked at me, she was crying. She shook her head slowly at me, before leaving with Jungkook.

"How could you!?"

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