1 Month Ago

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1 Month Ago

   "I'm going!" I shouted and walked towards the door. 

"CAMILA!" I heard someone screamed my name. I turned around and saw Sofi coming to hug me. 'Be safe, okay?' she said, holding out her pinky. I squeezed her pinky and kissed her forehead. 

"Don't worry, okay. I'll be fine." I said, hugging her one last time and leaving my house. 

   Lauren wanted to speak to me. I don't know why but she sounded really urgent on the phone. I wonder what she wanted to tell me... maybe she had a boyfriend - Keaton maybe. Or perhaps she wanted to tell me that she might be moving... she can't leave me on my own! Or even worse, she wanted to quit Fifth Harmony and go back to her normal life before the X Factor! 

   I reached Lauren's door. I knocked twice before she opened the door. 

"Hi." she saluted me before snorting. Did she cry before I came here? Lauren was the most beautiful and one of the strongest people I've ever met. Who made her cry?

"Hi... what's up?" I said, walking into her house. I looked around at the living room. The living room looked as if it was turned upside down: the coffee table was on the floor whilst the couches were slightly turned to the right; papers were all over the floor and a fluffy pink pencil case was thrown against the wall with the utensils encircling it. 

"Nothing... I uh..." she trailed off and followed my gaze. 'It's uh... I was doing... something important.' 

"Do you... do you want me to come back? I don't think now is a good time-" I said, heading for the door. 

"No! I'm fine. Just... I need to tell you something. Don't mind the mess." she said quickly. Lauren was really acting weird. When I would come to her place, it wouldn't be messy and the first thing we would do is go to her room and play One Direction really loud and sing along. Was her oddness due to the thing she wanted to tell me?

   "Where are the others?" I asked, looking around. 

"Out." she answered. I nodded and carried on gazing around. 

"The thing you want to tell me?" I said. 

"Oh uh... just... can you sit down please?" 

"Where?" I said, letting out a laugh but Lauren didn't laugh but just stare at me. My laughter was at halt. I looked around and sat on the couch nearest to me. Lauren sat on the edge of the couch, next to me. 

    She wasn't looking at me but was looking at the ground. CAN YOU JUST TELL ME ALREADY?! She gave me some few glances before turning to face the ground again. 

"I... whatever you do, just answer me." she looked up at me. 'I... it's really hard for me to explain. I don't know how you'll react but I just want you to understand me right now. I'm... really confused.' she finally said. I looked at her. Confused? About what? 

   Confused. The first thing that hit my head was sexuality. Was she a lesbian? I mean if you're confused you don't whether or not you are or you are not. I couldn't care less if she was a lesbian or not. She would still be the same person I met before she told me she was a lesbian. 

   "Confused about what?" I asked. Tears filled her eyes as she looked at me. She tried to spit out what she wanted to say but she faced the ground again, a waterfall landing on the floor. I got up and started hugging her. I kissed her head and kept her as close to me. 'Don't cry, Lolo! You're too pretty to cry.' I told her, stroking her arm. 

"You won't understand, Mila. You're probably not going to talk to me after this." she snorted and I felt a tear fall on my arm. Don't cry, I will understand and I will talk to you, I thought. 

"We're bestfriends! Of course I'll understand!" I reassured her. 

   "But I don't want to be your bestfriend." she said. I stopped hugging her and moved away. She's abandoning me...

"But... after everything. Lauren-" I said, tears falling down my face. 

"I don't mean it like that!" she got up and located herself next to me. 'I wouldn't ever stop being your bestfriend unless I had a perfect reason for it.' she said, grabbing my hands. She faced me and wiped my eyes before holding my hands again. 

"Perfect reason?"

"I... this is the hardest thing that I've had to tell anyone. I know it might be awkward for us two after this but-"

"What are you trying to tell me?" 

"I..." she trailed off and looked deeply into my eyes. What was her reason why she didn't want to be my friend? 'I love you.' she said. 

   I looked at her. Did she just tell me she loved me? I mean, we told each other we loved each other every single day but the way she said really sounded as if she really loved me. 

"I... what do you mean you love me? I know you love me." I said, trying to bring humor to the morose atmosphere. 

"Camila," she squeezed my hands. I tried to move away but she kept a hard grip on my hands. 'I really love you. I really really love you! Everytime I get a text from you, you brighten my day. I love seeing you smile and hugging you because it makes me feel as if this is possible. Mila...' she trailed off, still gazing at me. Tears filled my eyes. I didn't know what to say. It's not everyday your bestfriend just tells you they're unconditionally in love with you. 'There is everything to love about you. You're funny, extremely talented and pretty. You see beauty in things others can't see...' I shook my head. Lauren: you are beautiful! 'You don't have to answer. I know it's awkward. I know you don't feel the same way but... I had to tell you.' Her grip on my hands loosened.

"I'm sorry, I can't..." I pulled free and walked out. 

   Various thoughts flashed through my head. Lauren loved me. Really really loved me. She was supposed to be my bestfriend - not my lover. But I didn't know how I felt. Lauren: she's pretty, talented and smart. She's extremely funny. She might be feisty but at least she's herself around people and doesn't lie about who she is. 

   I was confused. 

   I don't know whether I was in love with her or not. I mean, I had thought about this before but I don't know if I did love her or not. 

   When I got home, I quickly locked myself in the bathroom so that no one could come in; to gather my thoughts. But obviously, I was interrupted. 

"CAMILA!" I heard Sofi shout. 

"Yes?" I called.

"Can I come in?" Sofi asked. 

"Not now. I'm coming." 

"PLEASE!" she pleaded. I had to give in. 

   I opened the door and quickly wiped my eyes. 

"Hey Sofi." I said, picking her up. 

"You've been crying. Why?" she interrogated. 

"Nothing. Nothing for you to worry about." I said quickly. She didn't say anything but stare at me for a while as we sat on the bathroom floor. 'Sofi?'


"I have this friend that really likes somebody but can't tell the somebody. She won't tell me who."


"She always thinks about them everyday and finds them really amazing..." I stopped myself from talking. But I carried on. 'She... she loves everything about them. She thinks that they are the most perfect being to ever walk this Earth. She wants to tell the somebody so badly but doesn't know how they'll react so she just keeps it to herself.'

"Oooooh! Sounds like she's in love!" Sofi chuckled. I laughed with her. 

"Thank you so much! YOU GAVE ME AN ANSWER!" I said, kissing her cheek and squeezing her in my arms. 

"You're welcome!" she squeaked. I let go of her and kissed her cheek again. 

   I knew my answer. I was in love with Lauren too. But I couldn't love her. 

The End of Fifth Harmony (Camren Fan Fiction) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now