Chapter 5

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Camila POV

   Today was great! Lauren and I were back to normal - it wasn't awkward between us anymore. After eating (more like destroying) a few pizzas, we went clothes shopping. Lauren picked out some cute little shirts and leather jackets. I didn't know what to get but luckily Lauren was here to help. 

"You can get bows." she said, pointing at a pink bow. I took it and put it on my head. 'You like nice.' she said. I blushed and quickly turned away so she couldn't see how red I went. I picked up a lot of bows from the rack and started throwing them at her. 

" I  MAKE IT RAIN! I MAKE IT RAIN MY BOWS! I MAKE IT RAIN!" I sang, still throwing them in her face. 

"Mila stop it! You're killing me!" she chuckled, hiding her face from the bows I threw at her. I carried on throwing bows on her until I heard someone scream from behind. 

"HEY! Stop that right now!" I turned around to see the security guard glaring at the both of us. 

"Sorry." I quickly apologized and started picking up the bows I had thrown. When the buzz kill left, we both chuckled. 

"Let's just throw them over there, it's not our job." she suggested. I felt kind've bad but I was the costumer and it's not my job. 

   After paying for our stuff, we went to the toy shop for Sofi's barbie. I looked around for a bit. There were so many to choose from, they were all so pretty. 

"Look at this one." Lauren said, shoving a tanned brunette barbie in my face. 

"She's pretty." I said, taking the barbie out of her hand to closely observe her. 'I don't know which one to get.' I said, tossing the barbie aside as I examined other ones. 

"I think you should take this one. She looks like you." Lauren said, picking up the barbie from the side. 

"Nah! She's too pretty." I said, looking around again. 

"No she's not! She's fake, you're real." I turned around a grinned. 

"Thanks." I said, turning as red as a beetroot. I took the barbie from her hand and walked towards the till. 

   "$14.99." said the cashier. I took out a twenty dollar bill out and gave it to the cashier. I packed the barbie in a plastic bag whilst waiting for the cashier to bring me my change. '$5.01 change." he said, handing me the receipt and the change. 

"Thanks." I said, leaving the shop with Sofi's barbie. 

   "Do you really think she looks like me?" I asked Lauren as we started going to my house. 

"Yeah but you're prettier." she replied. I started grinning and put my face inside the plastic bag, pretending to stare at the barbie. I was actually hiding because I didn't want her to see me blush. Gosh! Call this 'Blush-everytime-Lauren-compliments-you Day'!

"Thanks. You're pretty too." I said. She had a huge grin spread over her face.  

Lauren POV

   CAMILA CALLED ME PRETTY! I mean, it is a friendly thing but still, my crush called me pretty, a compliment I'll take any day. 

   The walk to her house from the mall didn't take long. We reached her door in about 10 minutes and she knocked on the door. We heard giant footsteps behind the door. The door opened and I saw Camila's dad and a little fairy who had leaped on wrapped herself around Camila's legs. 

"YOU'RE BACK!" Sofi screamed. 

"Yeah I am." Camila said, picking up her sister and hugging her. 

"Hello Lauren. It's nice to see you again." Alejandro said, shaking my hand. 

"Hi Daddy." Camila hugged her dad as she came in. 

"LAUREN!" Sofi screamed and hugged me too. 

"Hi Sofi. How are you?" I asked her as she released me. 

"I'm very happy now that you two are here." she replied. GOSH! Why are the Cabellos' so cute?!

   Camila and I went to her room with Sofi following us. I sat down on her bed and gazed at Sofi who was admiring her barbie. 

"THANK YOU! I love it!" she said, giving Mila a huge hug. 

"You're welcome." Mila replied, hugging her back. 

"Don't you think it looks like Camila?" I asked. Sofi examined her barbie and nodded. 

"Yeah. She's pretty just like you." she said, throwing herself on Camila. 

"Thanks Sofi!" Camila said, giving her sister another hug. 

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