Chapter 23: The Party

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Lauren POV

   Jake came to my house around four, two hours before the party even begun. 

"So?" he began. 

"What?" I replied. 

"How are we going to get him into trouble?" he asked. I shrugged my shoulders. 

"I don't know. When he's going to the bathroom or something, ask a girl to follow him, do her stuff and then take some pictures. OR we can get him really drunk and he does his stuff with another girl and then we take pictures." I suggested. He squinted a bit. 

"I like the first idea, I don't want to damage his health." he said. I slapped his shoulder. 'Ow! Anyways, what girl would say yes to tricking someone.' I thought about it, what kind of girl would?

"Oh yeah true." I said, thinking. 'When we get there, we need to look around at what girls' are interested in him.'

"Yeah, that would be much more reasonable." he commented. I nodded. 'I brought a camera.' 


"We need evidence," he said, showing me a camcorder. 'for Camila to see, right?' I nodded. 

"I didn't even think of that!" 

Camila POV

   I wanted to call Lauren and apologise to her but I didn't think now was the time. Yes, I know she's pissed at me and all but why did everything have to be this way? Couldn't it have happened differently? For my sake anyway. Couldn't I just answered her ontime? Couldn't I just not contacted Bryce at all and just left him to get drunk at that party instead of letting my conscience speak for me! I should've just not even spoke to him that day and should've tried to reach out to Lauren instead of him. Now I'm trapped in a relationship where I'm scared the other might get hurt and where I do not feel the same fo other. 

   I try and try to pretend that he's her but it's just not different. No one could ever be her because there's only one her. He can be the best impersonater in the world for all I care but he could never act like my Lauren. He could never behave like my Lauren. I will never love him the way I love...

   My Lauren. 

Lauren POV


   Finding out the directions to her house were actually quite simple. The dumb bitch decided to create a page for her a party on Facebook and put down all her personal details for everyone to see. In fact, she didn't live too far away from where Ca... she didn't live too far away from someone I had known. 

   As we turned the street, I remembered the way to her house; all Jake and I had to do was turn to the left and keep walking forwards then we'll be right at her front door. I stopped leaving Jake talking on his own as I stared at the long road which led to Camila's house. Forcing myself not to let Niagra Falls fall out of my eyes, I ran towards a confused Jake and went to the girl's house. 

Camila POV

   Still clutching on to my phone, I wondered whether or not I should call her. It would be reasonable to call her; I mean, that's what the girls' wanted, for that atmosphere on the road to not be awkward. Ally's words glided through my mind, You guys hold the balance in the group. We hold the balance? Really? 

   I do want to call her but what if she shouts at me again, I can't bare to hear her scream at me. I can't... I can't hear the anger in her voice. It hurts too much.

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