Chapter 10

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Lauren POV

   The next morning, I still couldn't believe it. The dickhead had the guts to kiss me! Gosh if creeped out could describe everything that had happened, yes, I was creeped out. 

   Mila didn't answer my text. Maybe she had a feeling I was only going to meet her because I wanted to tell her how I felt. I laid in my bed and sighed. GOSH! Why was life hard? Before it felt much more great and on my side and now it seemed it was turning against me. 

   I texted her again. 

Lauren: sorry i didnt turn up but i dont want u 2 b angry at me :(

   No reply just as expected. 

Camila POV

   I couldn't stop crying. When I got home, no one asked me anything about what had just happened so it saved me from explaining and Sofi was already dozing off when I got home anyway. 

   The next morning I felt worse. She had kissed somebody else. I know we're not going out or anything but that's someone that I love! Truly love! And that person was already making out with somebody else in public where everyone could see. 

   Used. I feel a bit used. I don't know why I feel used in the first place! But couldn't she had told me she was seeing someone else. Couldn't she had told me at least so it wouldn't be a shock. The fact that I feel used is that she wasted my time on something that I was hoping to be happening! I've been waiting for our moment to come but instead she goes off and kisses someone else to show she's over me! 

   My phone vibrated and the message icon appeared at the corner of the screen. I clicked it and saw Lauren's name pop up. 

Lauren:  sorry i didnt turn up but i dont want u 2 b angry at me :(

   She really thinks by lying her way to my heart she'll be able to talk to me! Go away Lauren! GO AWAY! 

Lauren POV

   By noon, she still didn't answer back. What was wrong with her? Was she pissed that I had broken the promise of turning up on time - even though I was on time?! JUST SPEAK TO ME ALREADY!

Camila POV

   I blocked her on Facebook. I couldn't bear logging on and seeing her face on my newsfeed. GOSH! I'm soo silly! She wasn't my girlfriend so why the hell was I so annoyed about the whole situation. 

   So I decided to unblock her. Her name popped up with somebody elses name just on top of hers. 

   Bryce Perry. 

   I had totally forgot he even existed! I pressed unblock on his name and left Lauren blocked. I wasn't going to talke to her again! 

   I went through Bryce's photos feeling like a proper stalker! He looked much more attractive than I'd ever seen him. EVER! His skin was more tanned than before which really made his green eyes stand out. His hair was quite messy but it still made him look quite hot. 

   I read the description of his profile photo (him just staring at the camera, not smiling). 

Suffering from heartbreak. If anyone got an antidote, please give it to me. I can't take it anymore. Why would you do this to me if I loved you so much? This might sound so cliche but it WAS love at first sight. Some people get shot but I'll rather be shot many times in the heart than live with this pain. 

   Was he being serious? Love at first sight. Shot? We only went out for a while and... I'm confused. 

   I went through his other pictures but they were the same. In one picture, he had a guitar and he was strumming it. The description said: 

"Tell her that I love her. Tell her that I need her. Tell her that she’s more than a one-night stand. Tell her that she turns my cheeks the colour of my hair. All I wanna do is be near." Oh well, that was her favourite song. 

   I ONLY TOLD HIM THAT ONCE! How the hell does he remember? I mean, he knows all of this about me but I never knew he could play the guitar. 

   I scrolled down to see the comment. 

Ashton Lopez: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! ur turning into some weird hippie boy, wats up?

Kaelan Lorenzo: bp, get urself together and forget about it

Brittany Jenner: gd ur single! attention to ALL the singles, come to my party at my house. im gonna make a page on fb if u wanna come. bring anyone along! 

   I glared at her comment. Gd ur single? I mean, I don't really care but a part of me still does. I did this to him. I turned him into some depressive weirdo who is alienating himself from everybody that cares about him. 

   For about an hour and a half, I was looking through his pictures and what he was getting up to. Just then, he posted something just an hour ago. 

Who's up for that party today at 7? Don't mind going anyway. Takes my mind off everything that's happened so far. Remember to bring a lot of alcohol, this boy's gonna need it. 

   He got about 13 likes for his comment and that same Brittany Jenner commented. 

Brittany Jenner: sooooo happy ur coming! dont worry, ill make u feel special xx <3

   I glared at her comment. Just leave him alone! He doesn't need a stupid bimbo around him. He needs somebody that cares about him for who he is, not just because he's good to look at! But why the hell did I care? At least he was going to have fun and move on with his life. I'm supposed to be happy for him. 

   But I wasn't. 

Lauren POV

   I tried calling her but her phone went on Voicemail. Even after leaving her a message on Voicemail, she still didn't reply. I sighed heavily and turned off my phone. Thanks to Jake, Mila was not talking to me for any reason she had. 

   Just as I was enjoying me drifting away in my morose thoughts, Taylor comes into our room and looks at me. 

"What are you doing?" she asked. 

"Thinking." I answered. 

"On the floor?" she chuckled. 'Wow! Typical Lauren. Anyways, Normani's on the phone.' I sat up. 

"Tell her I'm not in the mood." 

"I tried to tell her you were busy but she's not having any of it." I sighed again. 

"Fine. I'm coming." I said, getting up and walking towards the living room, grabbing the phone from the table and locking myself in the bathroom. 

   "I want to hear all the details!" she said, excitedly. 

"It didnt' go as planned." I told her. 

"Still, I want to know everything that happened." 

"No." I said. 

"TELL ME OR I'M FLYING OUT TO FIND OUT!" she screamed at me. I sighed aloud and explained to her how I was there ontime and stupid Jake had leaned and kissed me. 'Jake?' 


"The okay looking one?" 

"Yah! The annoying dickhead who ruined everything." I angrily said. 

"D'you think she saw you guys?" she asked. I kept silent. 

"I dunno. When I left she wasn't there. She wasn't around." I told her. 

"I need to call Camz." she said. 

"Yep that's fine. I need to call Ally."

"Okay." she said before hanging up. 

   Maybe Camila did say us kiss? But what did she care? We're not even going out so why was she annoyed with me? Yep! It was because I was supposingly late. I guess I'll have to give her some time before we can properly talk. 

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