Chapter 1

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Lauren POV

  I hate him! I HATE HIM! He's not right for her! How could she choose him over me?! HER TRUE LOVE! I know she feels something for me. I know she does. I... I can just feel it in my heart. I know we are meant to be. I know we are. Otherwise, I would of dropped it long ago. Camila - you're too good for him. Bryce fucking Perry is an ass and I know he will cheat on you! JUST LEAVE ALREADY!

   I sat on the toilet seat and clenched my fists. How dare he just barge in here and act as if he knows us? He knows nothing about us; he only knows that we are best friends (well the others not me) with Camila and that's about it. 

   I heard a knock on the door. 

"Go away! Toilet's occupied." I shouted. 

"It's me Ally. Just let me in." I heard Ally shuffling her feet behind the door. 

"I'm coming." I sighed and opened the door. Ally walked into the bathroom and stood by the sink. 

"He's alright you know." she said, smiling. 

"Well, I don't like him." 

"He's not bad. Just give him a chance. Camila would want you to." I glared at Ally. She was the only one that I told about the whole Camila situation. What can I say? Ally gives good advice. 

"Don't try and put her name into this." 

"Just try to talk to him! He's actually good for her."

"He's too old!" 

"18 is not that old. He's around the same age range as you." Ally chuckled.

"It's not funny!" I yelled. 

"Yeah it is." she carried on laughing.  

"I'm not going back there. I'll look like an idiot." 

"Just apologize." I looked up at her in disbelief. 

"I should apologize? How about him? He just came here without being invited!" Ally started laughing. 

"It is Camila's house you know."

"So? Can't he just go away?! She was fine without him." 

"She likes him and she's happy. Can't you do the 'she's happy, I'm happy'?"

"She's not happy!"

"Gosh, LJ, just... no offense but move on." What?! HOW COULD I?! I LOVE YOU CAMILA! I can't just move on from my first love.

"I can't." I said quietly. She moved next to me by the toilet and hugged me. 

"I know but... you know it's for the best." I sighed. 

"You really think so?" Ally carried on hugging me. 

"Yes. It would  bring peace. You know boyfriends come and go. He will go and maybe you can... you can change her mind." I looked up and gave a little smile even though I knew she just said that for my benefit. 

"Fine!" I laughed and hugged her as well. 

"So are you going to give him a chance?" she asked, all teeth showing. 

"Go away!" I gently pushed her. Ally guffawed. 

"Please?!" she pleaded, giving me the puppy dog face. 

"Fine. I'll try. If he turns out to be an ass, I will say I told you so." 

"Yah!" I pushed her gently again and we laughed. 'Let's go meet him properly, shall we?' 

"You owe me sushi." Ally carried on laughing as we left the bathroom. 

Camila POV 

   Why was Lauren being so mean to him? Bryce clearly has done nothing but try to interact with her but she's just being so stubborn lately. I know we can't be together. We just can't... it's better for the group. Romantic relationships within the group mean the group is going to not go that far because all the attention is going to be on two people, not the rest. Sorry Lauren. I do love you but it's just not meant to be. 

    I kept my eyes on the ground and tried to avoid Bryce's stare. He kept his mouth and just stood there like a big idiot and rolled his muscular shoulders. 

"Well I think I should leave then." he said after some few seconds of silence. Dinah and Normani exchanged looks but didn't say anything. 

"I uh... I'll see you later then." He nodded and just left without saying any thing. 

   I locked the door on his way out and sat down on the couch next to Dinah. They didn't say anything but kept exchanging looks. 

"Don't act like nothing happened." I said annoyed. 

"Um..." Normani began but trailed off. Dinah sighed. 

"I'm sorry she acted like that." she said. 

"Yeah." I said angrily. 'She needs to stop and understand that I really like him! He makes me happy!' 

"But don't you think that you guys moved a bit too fast?" Normani questioned. I glanced at her then at the floor. 

   She was right. We did move a bit too fast. I met Bryce when I went to buy some pizza with Lauren and her sister, Taylor and it seemed that he just approached me and we started talking since then. We only went on one date then he asked me to be his girlfriend and I just said yes just to move on from Lauren. She's been angry at him mostly and she doesn't really try to talk to him. He's nice and he makes me laugh but he's nothing compared to Lauren. Lauren's just... different I guess. Him and her cannot be compared. Don't get me wrong, he's a nice guy and all but I only went out with him to forget my feelings for Lauren. But whenever I'm around him, I'm just wishing that he was her. But I can't risk the group. 

   "No we didn't!" I argued but Normani shook her head and squinted. 

"You went out with him two weeks after meeting him." Dinah said. 

"What? You want me to break up with him?" I asked. As soon as I said that, I saw Lauren and Ally coming through the living room. 

Lauren POV

   Did I hear what I just heard? Camila wants to break up with him? Isn't the world such a good place?! THANK THE LORD! Camila has finally come to her senses - they're going to break up! YES!

Ally POV

   I glanced at Lauren, she was smirking. All the girls' were staring at us as we came in. I gazed around, Bryce wasn't here. 

"Where's Bryce?" I asked. 

"He left." Camila answered quickly. I followed Camila's gaze to Lauren; who had stopped smirking due to Camila's sad face.

"We can properly meet him another time any way. It's not like the Second Coming arrived or anything." Camila smiled but then stared at the ground.

"Only Ally would say that!" Normani chuckled.

"Didn't I say there was one of me!"

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