Chapter 8

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Camila POV

   And Lauren kept her promise. We hung out at the beach for some few hours before going to the mall just to look at some stuff but we didn't buy anything. 

Lauren: Get home safe???? x

Camila: Yeah even though you walked me home lol :D

   I smiled at Lauren's text as Sofi walked into the room. 

"You keep smiling!" she said, sitting on my lap. 

"No it's nothing." I soon started chuckling like a weirdo. 

"Why are you laughing now?" 

"Giggle fits!" I answered, still chuckling like a weirdo. 

Lauren POV

   I called Camila the next morning to make sure if she had plans today. 

"Hello?" I heard her yawn. 

"Sorry if this is too early." I apologised. 

"No! It's fine. Morning." she replied. 

"Morning to you too!" I chuckled and she soon chuckled with me. 

"What's up?" she yawned again. 

"Um... are you doing anything today?" I asked. 

"You know the answer to that." she said playfully. 

"Actually I don't." I replied, grinning. 

"Hardee ha ha!" she chuckled. 

"Well, if you are free, meet me outside the mall." 

"If I'm free? I'm always free!" she chuckled over the phone. 

"Good. See you at two then." I laughed before hanging up. 

   I was so happy Camila and I were on good terms. Gosh, I missed that girl! With Bryce out of the way, the world is such a better place!

   By noon, Normani was calling me. I picked up the phone to hear her voice. 

"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!" she screamed, replacing "Hello". 

"Saying hello wouldn't kill you." I chuckled. She laughed as well. 

"But still! How come you didn't tell me about Camz?" she asked. 

"Um... I've got no idea what you're talking about." I said, absent-mindedly. 


"I cannot believe she told you!" 

"You could've told me. I could've helped you make your move." 

"Um... not really. I think I'm doing fine by myself."

"Oh really?" 

"Yep. We're gonna hang out by the mall today and probably get a pizza or something and then arcade, maybe." 

"Why don't you buy a ring along with that pizza!" she joked. 

"Funny!" I said sarcastically before laughing myself. 

"So... when are you going to confirm your feelings again?" she asked. 


"How about today?" 

"WHAT?! Are you crazy?" 

"No, I'm logical. How many times have you hung out in a week?" she questioned. 


"Well uh... does she seem different around you?" she asked. 


"Any kind of different. Always hugging you, more than usual. Texting back almost instantly... along those lines." 

   I thought about it. DIfferent? She seemed like the same person... wait? Maybe Normani did have a point. She did hug more than usual and her texting definitely improved - it would normally take her hours after I sent her a text to answer back. 

   "Um... she doesn't like me." I said. 

"Maybe she might. Maybe she might not. You'll never know unless you ask her."

"Ask her? Last time I told her it almost ruined our friendship." 

"Maybe this time it might not ruin your friendship."

"So you want me to tell her today?" 

"Yep. And make it special. Beautiful scenery makes the moment last longer."

"You're annoying!" I teased and she chuckled into my ear. 'Fine. Change of plan. Sunset at the beach?' I asked. 

"It's a little cliche but-"

"Hey! It was your idea. I'm just following the rules here." 

"Alright sassy pants! It is cliche but that would do it." Normani sooned started chuckling again. 

"Stop laughing. It's not funny!" I said.

"Oh hell yeah it is!" we both chuckled for about a minute before stopping. 'What are you gonna do today?'

"Tell her my feelings." I answered.

"Good. Now go and change the plans!" Normani said before hanging up on me.

   I started texting Mila but then I stopped. Was I ready to tell her? Normani doesn't really know anything. She implies that Camz likes me but I can't let this get in the way of our friendship. 

You'll never know unless you ask her

  I started texting her again. 

Lauren: Change of plans sorry. Busy during the day but beach around 6 x

Camila: Yep thats fine! 

Camila POV

   GOSH LAUREN!  WHY DID YOU HAVE TO CHANGE THE TIME?! It's going to take much much longer to see her now... PISSED! But I will wait until 6. Just be patient, I thought to myself. 

   I took a deep breath out as I reread the text. My grin disappeared from my face.

"You're not smiling no more." Sofi said, with wide grin. 

"No! I am!" I said, grimacing. 

"Now you are smiling." she said, laughing. 

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