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"Kita" a deep voice whispered "c'mon, KitKat. It's time to wake up"

My eyes opened slightly, my lungs taking in a deep breath as my slightly week limbs began to stretch.

"C'mon, KitKat" he said softly "we have a long day ahead of us. Your coffee's on your desk"

I sat up on the bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes with the bottom of my palm, a soft chuckle filling my ears, causing me to fully wake up. Mr. Morgan stood in front of me, a small smile on his face with a steaming mug in his hand.

"Get ready" he said softly "we're leaving in two hours"

Nodding slightly, he smiled softly before walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. I got up from the bed, walking over to the bathroom to get ready. It turns out I am completely in love with the water pressure of the shower. Now wearing a pair of gray skinny jeans, a black long sleeved v-neck with my black/white Converse, I redid my hair in a braid, but this time putting it in a bun, leaving my bangs alone, but tucking the longer strands behind my ear.

The only other thing I added to my look was black eyeliner, but when I was finished, I put my glasses back on, letting out a small sigh as I walked to the desk, the full cup of coffee still sitting there. I picked it up, bringing the rim to my lips and taking a sip, my eyes closing as I drank a little more. With nothing else to do, I walked out of the room, heading downstairs and seeing Mr. Morgan in front of the stove, the sound of sizzling filling my ears, the smell of eggs filling my nose.

He plated the eggs, adding some sausage links and toast with butter, turning around and jumping slightly when he saw me.

"Give me a heart attack, why don't you?" he asked sarcastically

Shrugging slightly in response, I lifted my mug of coffee and took another drink of the hot liquid, only to have him put a plate in front of me. He gently took the mug of coffee from me, filling it back up and adding some more creamer, stirring it before handing it back to me.

"Jared's wife is going to meet us at the mall" he said softly "to help us with all the shopping"

I nodded slightly, mumbling a thank you for the food he had made and both of us began to eat silently. It was a small breakfast, but he probably made it to hold us over until lunch or something. After we had finished, he took the plates and empty mugs, taking them to the sink and washing them, placing them in the dish rack to dry. A few more minutes later, Mr. Morgan and I left the house, heading over to the mall in a black Chevy Suburban, telling me that we were going to get a lot of things.

We arrived at the a mall, but it didn't really look like it was busy, there were only about ten or twenty cars in the parking lot, causing me to furrow my eyebrows slightly in confusion, but I didn't say anything. Since its the weekend, you'd expect a lot of people to be here. But then again, it is early in the morning, some people are probably still sleeping, I don't think any one would actually wake up that early, except for me of course.

Mr. Morgan was the first one to get out of the car, me following behind, once the doors were shut, he turned on the alarm, and came over to my side where he wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leading me to the entrance of the mall. It turns out, they were actually beginning to open, the only people that were actually here were the workers from the Food Court and the other owners or managers from the other shops.

"It's shocking that I'm the first one here" a very beautiful woman said, walking up to us

"How've you been?" Mr. Morgan asked, removing his arm from my shoulders and embracing her in a friendly hug, causing her to do the same

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