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Small Time Skip


We were currently standing in line at the school to finish up our registration, being that dad and papa Maddox had gotten most of it done online. Now we just need to fill out some paperwork, get our school ID's, the schedule for our classes and we start school one week from today, which is next Monday.

"And after this," dad said, throwing an arm over my shoulders "I have a surprise for the three of you"

"Its not like last time where you put on a bikini top is it?" I asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow

"You said to never speak of it" he warned playfully

"You said to never speak of it after the twins and I posted it all over social media" I countered, ducking under his arm and heading over to the twins

"You're grounded" he said playfully

Turning around, I stuck my tongue out at him, watching as he rolled his eyes, causing a smile to form on my lips as I turned back around to the twins. They had been wearing similar outfits as usual, Blake was wearing a light grey v-neck with a pair of blue jeans, black combat boots and a black leather jacket. Jake was wearing a dark grey v-neck, blue jeans, black combat boots and a black leather jacket. I was wearing a navy blue tank top, light blue jeans with a black leather jacket and a pair of black heeled combat boots so I was a similar height to the twins.

"How do you think this year is gonna turn out?" Jake asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets

"I don't know" I replied with a small shrug "I have a feeling it's gonna be interesting. And dad says he has a surprise for us"

"So did ours but he won't tell us what" Blake said

"I think that's the point of a surprise" Jake and I said in unison

The line had slowly gone by, the three of us chatting away and we had gotten our IDs, and headed back to our place to play Call Of Duty and I was kicking ass. I threw my hands up in another victory, letting out a small yell and standing, doing my signature spin.

"Guys, get your ass's down here!" Dad yelled through the house

We looked at one another, dropping out controllers and running our of the room, a laugh emitting from us when Blake tripped, I hopped on the rail of the staircase, sliding down the stairs and skillfully landing on my feet. I ran to the kitchen, sliding in and catching myself on the island, leaning my elbows against the island, chin in my left hand with my forearm flat. Jake slid on on my left, catching himself and leaning his elbows on the table as well, with his chin in his left hand, same with Blake, dad and papa Maddox looking at us with raised eyebrows.

"Should we consider separating them?" Dad asked, not taking his eyes off of

"You better not" we said in unison, standing straight and crossing our arms over our chests "separation anxiety does not work for us"

He let out a sigh, closing his eyes and shaking his head slightly before looking back at us, a smirk forming on his lips, taking something out of the drawer in front of him and sliding a white envelope over to us. I looked at the twins, uncrossing my arms and reaching for it, opening it and taking out the contents inside, a shocked smile slowly forming on my lips.

"Are you serious?" I asked, looking up at dad "tonight?"

"We wanted you guys to do one last exciting thing before school started up again" dad said with a smile "you said how much you wanted to do play the theme songs live and you've been working hard this summer so we wanted to give you a reward so to speak"

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