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A week had passed by with no surprises from my sperm donor, which caused me to believe that he might be planning his attack on coming after me. I know I may be sounding a little paranoid, but if you were in my shoes, then you'd know what I feel whenever the mere thought of him floats in my mind. Dad knows how uncomfortable I get whenever the subject is brought up, so him and Nik do their best not to bring it up, as to which I am really thankful for. I'm also thankful that Halloween is tomorrow as well as the party at Andy's place, we were going to head there early in the morning to help decorate.

Papa Maddox had finished with our costumes, but we were wearing different ones at school today, I was a witch, Blake was a vampire and Jake was Harry Potter, which surprised dad because we normally do everything together. Blake took my pointy witch had off my head as we walked through the halls of the school, putting it on top of his head as we made our way to class, a smile on my lips as I shook my head slightly. Since Halloween was tomorrow, the teachers decided to give us a free day in all of our classes with a little party during said classes.

We were on our way to Poetry right now, which is supposed to be the best because of what we overheard from the other students, I had also snuck Anita in the school, setting her on top of my head before taking my pointy hat back, hiding her with ease. She was now the exact color of an Alaskan fox, pure white, but that doesn't mean I don't love her any less. We walked in the classroom, seeing that it was fully decorated, fake spiderwebs on the windows, a skull on her desk, everything was covered in Halloween stuff. She also has a table with all kinds of snacks on them, causing me to walk over to the teacher, Nik pulling out the chocolate fudge brownies from my backpack, handing it to me, which allowed me to hand it to her.

"Oh, thank you" she said with a smile "these will add perfectly to the other sweets" popping the lid off and setting it on the table "okay, class!" gaining everyone's attention "because tomorrow is Halloween, we have nothing to do today" causing the class to cheer "and you all know you get extra credit for bringing something, but you have an opportunity to get more points if you just tell all of us what you're dressed as. And no, nudist on strike doesn't count" causing some kids to grumble "whoever I think is the best wins . . . the black skull"

She held up a black skill that looked as if it was made of ceramic, its eyes and nose being blue, the twins and I looking at one another, shrugging slightly. One by one, the kids in the classroom began to tell everyone who or what they were dressed as,

"Harry Potter" Jake said, holding up his wand "expecto patronum"

"Vampire" Blake said, adding a hiss at the end

"A witch" I said with a smile "for those who wish to see who was once orange is now white, put a fox in our sight"

Removing my pointy hat, I held it out and dropped it on a desk, watching as everyone looked at Anita in shock as she sat on top of my head. I felt her stand on her paws, jumping off my head and landing on my arm, walking to my hand and cocking her head to the side as she looked at everyone with curiosity.

"But there's more" I said "she's not a football, baseball or handball, she's most likely . . . my Snowball"

The pointy hat that was on my desk began to move around, a smile forming on my lips when I lifted it, revealing Snowball, who was cleaning off her nose. Anita walked across my arm and settled herself around my neck, allowing me to pick up Snowball and tuck her into my elbow, a smile forming on my lips when she softly nipped at my fingers, Anita placing a small lick on my cheek, which earned a soft kiss to the side of her muzzle.

"How did you do that?" Blake asked in shock

"Magic" I replied simply

"I am not worthy!" Jake shouted, dropping to his knees

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