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One definition is the expression of gratitude, especially to God.

Another definition? An annual national holiday marked by religious observances and a traditional meal including turkey. The holiday commemorates a harvest festival celebrated by the Pilgrims in 1621, and is held in the US on the fourth Thursday in November. A similar holiday is held in Canada, usually on the second Monday in October.

But the definition that matters to those on diets? The one of very few holidays where there is no such thing as calories.

My alarm went off, which caused my hand to snap to it and double click the power button to shut it off, rolling over on my back and letting out a yawn, rubbing the sleep from the corners of my eyes, hearing my bedroom door open,

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" Dad exclaimed "C'mon! Up, up, up!"

"Did you just quote Mulan?" I asked

"Yeah, and?" He countered "I mean c'mon, we are gonna to go to war over that wishbone"

A shocked scream emitted from me as I was picked up from the warm comforter of my bed, my feet making contact with the cold floor, which caused me to quickly climb back in bed, looking at his blurred figure,

"You jerk!" I said, throwing a pillow at him

"Now you're up" he said, tossing the pillow back on the bed "your coffee's on your desk"

"Thank you, love you, now get out" I replied, pointing in the direction of the door "and don't make me have Nala chase you out"

"You wouldn't dare" he challenged

"Do you really wanna test that theory?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest

He grumbled something under his breath before shaking his head and walking out of my room,

"Put the cookies in the oven, please!" I shouted

"Okay!" He replied from down the hall

I shook my head slightly, throwing my legs back over the bed and putting my feet in my slippers, walking around my bed, the steps to the bathroom had been processed through my memory so I don't really need to see where I was going. Flicking on the bathroom light, I shut the door, leaving it open a crack and turning on the shower, needing to desperately wash my hair. While the shower was warming up, I undressed and got in, letting out a small sigh at the warm water, the thing with my hair is that I normally wash my bangs separately so I don't have to spend thirty minutes trying to find them.

Jared's hair guy also became my hair guy, who has a soft spot for me and trims my hair for free, he also trimmed my hair a bit, but its still a little past my waist, not enough to where I accidentally sit on it. After I washed my jet black mane, I washed my body, giving my legs and underarms a fresh shave- even though I don't really need to- washing my face and brushing my teeth. Staying under the warm water for a few more minutes, I shut off the water and got out, wrapping a towel around me as I dried myself off. I walked out of my bathroom, putting my phone and camera on their chargers and getting dressed, black and blue diamond studs in my now triple pierced ears, black nose ring in, rings and necklace on.

I applied some black eyeliner, put my black rimmed glasses on and took a drink of my coffee before brushing out my hair. Nala pushed my bedroom door open with her nose, trotting over to me, which caused me to kneel down and softly scratch her head, clipping a dow to her collar, doing the same with Anita and Snowball. When my things were fully charged, I packed up my camera and lenses, sticking my phone in a secret pocket of my dress, slinging the strap over my shoulder and grabbing the black high heels I was going to wear and jacket, walking out of my room and heading downstairs with my three companions following.

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