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"Nice choice in outfit" dad complimented as I walked in the kitchen, setting my new backpack on a barstool

"Thanks" I replied, pushing my glasses up "Lauren suggested it" sitting down next to my backpack "says since it's my senior year, I need to dress to impress"

"First day of school" he said, setting down a plate in front of me "what are your goals?"

"Besides graduating?" I asked teasingly

"Smart ass, yes besides graduating" he replied

"I don't know honestly" I replied, looking at him "the only goal I have is graduating with straight A's" 

We had eaten breakfast, dad had dropped Nik, Nala and I off at school and we met up with the twins and Dom in the entrance of the school. The three of us checking our schedules, satisfied that we same the same classes together and we only have four classes which are periods two through five. When the bell rang, we had been the only ones in the hall, deciding to head to the library to occupy our time.

"Kita?" The librarian asked in slight shock "oh, heavens, how are you?" Walking from behind her desk and embracing me in a hug, only to hold me at arms length "you've changed so much"

"Not entirely, Ms. Moreno" I replied with a small smile

"How have you been?" She asked, "where have you been?" noticing the twins "Who are these two?" noticing Nik and Dom "And those two?" noticing Nala "and this little one?"

"I've been good" I answered "I've been busy. These are the twins, Blake and Jake. This is Nikolai, Dominic and Nala"

"Busy doing what?" She demanded, crossing her arms over her chest

"Adjusting" I answered honestly "I finally got adopted"

"Honey, that's fantastic" she gushed "by who?"

I softly bit my bottom lip, looking at the twins before reaching for my backpack, pulling out my laptop, walking over to her desk, opening it and logging on. 

"You'd never believe me if I told you" I said, typing a few things on my laptop, turning it slightly and showing her

'Jeffrey Dean Morgan Adopts Teenage Girl'

"What is this you're showing me?" She asked curiously

I scrolled down on the page, watching as her expression turned to shock when she saw my picture, a small smile forming on my lips as she looked back at me.

"I got adopted by him" I confirmed

We spent the first hour of school in the library, our second period was Poetry, so we were sitting side by side, in the middle of the room, my left leg crossed over my right and of course, I had my brace on. I put a new college ruled notebook on my desk, black mechanical pencil in hand with point five led, ready to take notes.

"Good morning class" our teacher said from behind her desk "my name is Ms. Camacho, and I will be your Poetry teacher for this year. Now, let me take roll and we shall begin"

She had said a round of names, earning a chorus of 'here' or 'present', the twins and I doing the same, and she wrote 'Poetry' on the dry erase board as well.

"Alright" she said "who can tell me the definition of poetry?" Earning a small nudge from Nik, causing me to raise my hand "yes?"

"Poetry is the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts" I answered 

"Perfect" she replied with a smile "ten points for Gryffindor" causing some of the class to chuckle slightly

"Officially my favorite teacher ever" I whispered to the twins

Adopted by . . . Jeffrey Dean Morgan?Where stories live. Discover now