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Time skip to the Movie Premier. Mostly because I'm lazy. But I know you guys will love this either way. Especially because this chapter has a certain someone that readers have been wanting, you know who you are, BraveKali21


About three months have passed, everything has been going smoothly, Christmas had passed by with smiles and tears, they especially liked what I had done with all of the pictures I had taken, which was basically used to spell out Family Is Forever on the twenty one canvasses that was ordered and believe it or not, we were now in the new year in February. Well, technically the end of February. Which also means that exams are coming up in school as well as prom and graduation, which I'm also excited for, my hair had gotten longer during this three months, I had officially stopped growing and gaining weight, Nik is still my bodyguard and now works for me and not for dad, I've done the photoshoot with Demi, came out with a new album with Demi, Jessie and a couple other bands.

At the moment, we were getting ready for the Premier, and I was excited. Barry zipped up my dress, a smile forming on my lips as I tucked a lock of hair behind my ear, adjusting my necklace and rings . . . and my glasses. I smiled at myself in the mirror, seeing Barry wipe away a fake tear, which caused me to playfully roll my eyes, walking to the door,

"I present to you!" Barry, exclaimed "Kita . . Leigh . . Morgan"

He moved out of the way, revealing me, which caused a smile to form on dad's lips as he straightened his tie, Nik walking out from another room, buttoning the sleeves of his white button down shirt, dad making a turn around motion with his finger, which caused me to do as said, letting him see the whole dress. Since we had more time to kill, Barry took that as a chance to put my hair in a fishtail braid, setting it over my right shoulder and grabbing a bottle of Japanese Cherry Blossom perfume, spraying some on my dress, hair, and neck, adding some strawberry lip gloss on my lips before ushering the lot of us out the door and to our limo.

Nala, Anita and Snowball were sitting next to me, a glass of sparkling cider in my hand, while dad had some champagne, Nik having nothing because he's on the job, a slow breath emitting from me as the limo came to a stop at a light,

"Nervous?" Dad asked, causing me to shake my head slightly

"Excited" I corrected

"I bet you are" he said with a smile "you'll be just fine out there, like you always are"

"All thanks to you" I added, the limo driving once more

"I did nothing" he replied "it's you who-"

"You adopted me" I said, cutting him off "you brought me into this family, I'm here because of you. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be here" causing a smile to form on his lips

"You're growing up" he said softly

"I still have a little ways to go" I reminded "you're not finished yet and tomorrow we're going to London for the Graham Norton Show, I plan to go sightseeing while we're there"

"I know you do" he said "don't forget, we have a few panels to do as well"

A few hours later, we arrived at our destination, Nik was the first to get out of the limo, holding door, dad giving me a smile as he slid out as well, holding out a hand for me, which caused me to let out a slow breath once more, grabbing his hand and making sure Snowball was softly tucked in the crook of my left elbow, getting out of the limo. Flashes of cameras filled my vision, Nala and Anita hopping out to follow me, Nik closing the door and clasping his hands in front of him, following us as we walked along the red carpet, a smile on my lips for the paparazzi.

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