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"See you later, Kit" Mr. Morgan said as he came to a stop in front of the school "I'll pick you up after school"

"Kay" I replied, getting out of the car, "see you later"

Slinging my bag over one of my shoulders, I headed inside the school after shutting the passenger door, some of the kids watching as I walked passed them. They had seemed to ease up on the whispers and stares they normally give me, I see the occasional kid taking a picture of me, but other than that, not really much. Today, I had decided to wear a simple outfit, not really wanting to over do it. A pair of maroon jeans with matching beanie, a cardigan with a dress/shirt and a pair of black combat boots. Jewelry wise, it was the ring Misha had given me and the necklace Jensen gave me on my birthday, like I said, it was just a simple outfit.

I walked over to my locker, putting the combination in the lock, opening the metal door and getting the book I need for first hour, which happened to be AP Government. I made sure to grab my notebook and a highlighter, letting out a small breath,

"Hi" a male voice said from behind me, causing me to turn around and seeing two identical twin boys

"He's Blake" the left twin said, pointing to the one on the right

"He's Jake" right twin said, pointing to the left

"We're new here" they said in unison, a small smile forming on my lips in amusement as I watched them

I could tell them apart, Blake had blue eyes while Jake had green, their hair was down to their shoulders, wearing a similar outfit. I'll admit, they were attractive to say the least, but my gay-dar is going off whenever I look at-

"Can you show us around?" Blake asked with a small smile "me and him have the same schedule, so it should be easier"

". . . Sure" I replied, causing them to sigh in relief.

"Thank you" Jake said "you don't know how many people turned us down already"

"I know the feeling" I replied, turning around and shutting my locker, spinning the dial before taking one of their schedules and looking at it "same as mine. Should make it easier. I'm Kita, by the way"

"Nice to meet you" they replied in unison

The bell to first hour rang, causing me to hand Blake his schedule back, jerking my head slightly as I began to head to class. Over the day, the twins and I basically became best friends, we actually had tons in common then I originally thought. We had the same liking to rock, reading, the occasional singing, it's kinda fun hanging out with them.

Not sitting out in the field, it was lunch time and we were getting our homework done from our other four classes, not really needing to do anything else. They had programmed their numbers in my phone, labeled as Thing1 and Thing2, while they put my name under KitKat.

"So what do you normally do around here?" Blake asked curiously as he closed his text book "what you do?"

"Nothing really" I replied honestly "my . . . dad or uncles . . . they normally pick me up from school, get me lunch and take me to their work"

"Really?" Jake asked "what do they do? Ours got a job on the set of Supernatural, its some tv show, we're supposed to go there after school, our dads picking us up"

"That's cool" I replied, a slightly evil idea coming into my head

They had forgotten about the subject corresponding with what Mr. Morgan does, well . . . I didn't necessarily tell them that my dad was Jeffrey Dean Morgan or anything. By the end of the school day, the boys and I put out textbooks in our locker, walking out of the school while getting a few looks from the other kids, the three of us just talking to each other and ignoring them.

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