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"What's going on?" I asked as dad slowed the car down

Up ahead, there was a huge pileup, basically in the fastest direction of the school, but from the looks of it, we might have to go the longer way. A police officer walked up to the drivers side, gesturing for dad to roll down the window, causing him to do as silently said.

"Which way you heading?" the officer asked

"To the school" dad replied, not taking off his sunglass "I'm dropping off my daughter. What happened?"

"Accident" he replied, looking at the pileup, letting out a sigh "it was some drunk, a woman was DOA. You would've never expected something like this to happen early in the morning"

"DOA?" dad asked

"Dead on arrival" Nik answered

"Where did you say you were going?" The officer asked, looking through until his eyes stopped on me "Kita?"

". . . Officer Parsons?" I asked in confusion, causing dad to glance at me through the rearview mirror "he uh . . . you know . . . the whole egg and sperm donor thing"

"Ah, alright" dad replied

"How's the wife?" I asked, looking back at officer Parsons

"She's good," he replied "pregnant with our second"

"Oh, congrats" I said with a smile

"You too on the adoption" he replied with a smile, only to have it drop completely and look back at the accident "Kita" letting out a sigh "the woman in the accident . . . was your mother" shaking his head slightly "I'm so sorry"

". . . There's nothing you need to be sorry about" I replied softly "her and the other guy basically confronted me the other day, wasn't expecting this to happen though"

"If you want" he began "you could come by the station after school to file a restraining order if you don't feel safe"

" . . . I think I got all the safety I need" I replied, glancing at dad, Nik and Nala "but if the situation calls for it . . ." giving him a nod, glancing at the time "I'm supposed to meet the twins in front of the school"

"Right" dad said "do you know another fast way to the school?"

"If you make a right here" Officer Parsons said, pointing to the street "then a left at the first street, you'll be directly behind the school. Then make another left and you'll be there in no time"

"Thanks man" he replied with a smile


"So, I talked to Misha" I said, draping me legs over Blake's "since we have a four day weekend this week, we could do the walls and by the time they get back they should be dry enough . . ."

"Sounds like a plan" Jake said, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me in his lap

"Why does everyone think we're too good for the school?" I asked,

"Because you're on The Walking Dead" he replied, "and we're famous on YouTube" 

"Seriously, though" Blake said, hanging his head back

Adopted by . . . Jeffrey Dean Morgan?Where stories live. Discover now