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"So . . . I'm not needed?" I asked

"Nope" one of the workers replied

"So, in other words, go wander around" dad said with a smile "but be careful"

"Always am, Papa Bear" I replied

Giving him a playful salute, he chuckled slightly, placing a kiss to my hair and sending me on my way, Nik following me as usual, my companions at my side and the twins as well, including Dom. We were currently at a panel, but I wasn't needed as you may have figured out, which allowed us to wander around for the time being until it was over, now, I knew a lot of people would recognize us in an instant, but that's not going to stop us from having some fun and maybe getting into a little trouble. Which is something that's kinda hard to do for us because we don't do anything stupid, and when dad says I'm grounded, I know he's playing around because he gets amusement out of my occasional sassyness.

I pushed my glasses further up my nose, the lot of us continuing on our way, Anita hopping up and resting herself on my shoulders, Snowball softly tucked in my left elbow as usual, and Nala walking at my side, her leash tucked in her collar. Somehow, the twins and I always wear similar outfits, the only thing that's different about us is that I have triple pierced ears and they only have the one, that and my nails, we were wearing blue jeans, black shirts, leather jackets, bracelets, necklaces, usual rings and combat boots, mine being heels.

"Should we get our lip pierced?" Blake asked

". . . Nah" Jake replied

"If we did, then we'd most likely start messing with it, and next thing you know we'll have messed up teeth" I added "knowing us, we fidget"

"Right, right" Blake muttered

"I was thinking about getting my bellybutton pierced" I said "but then again, I already have triple pierced ears and a nose ring. I don't really need any more holes put in my body"

"But there is a definite yes on more tattoos in the future," Jake said

"Of, of course" Blake replied "I was thinking a dream catcher next"

"Do guys even get dream catcher tattoos?" I asked curiously

"Maybe tribal" Nik commented

". . . I like that" the three of us replied in unison "we can come up with a couple designs and collaborate"

As we were walking around, there were people who noticed us, some walking up to us and asking for an autograph, some asking if we were here for a panel, then some saying that they were doing a panel for Spiderman: Homecoming, pointing to a sign that had said all of who was going to be there, Tom Holland being first on the list, which caused a smirk to form on my lips. Looking at the twins, I saw that they had the same smirk on their lips as well, knowing that they had the exact same idea that I had, quickly finishing up with the crowd and making our way to the panel, which had already started, the twins pushing me to the line where people could ask the actors a question.

One by one, those who were in front of me asked their question, Tom being distracted by his phone, mine beginning to vibrate twice, causing me to pull it out of my pocket,

From: Spiderman
- Hi 😊

From: NeganSpawn
- Hello 😊

From: Spiderman
- You were amazing on The Graham Norton Show, I still can't believe you can sing like that! 😝

From: NeganSpawn
- Well, thank you 😝😊😳 How are things on your end?

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