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A small chuckle emitted from my lips as Anita licked the tip of my nose, letting out a small coo as I ran my fingers through her fur, her tail lazily swaying back and forth, Snowball had settled herself on my stomach, Nala on the floor next to me. I had been laying on the couch of our hotel room, dad was out doing another panel, which left Nik, Dom, the twins and I to hang out, with nothing else to do. My head had been laying on Nik's lap, who had been silently reading to himself, my legs on Jake's lap as he was fiddling with his phone, Blake was sitting on one of the chairs, his legs thrown over one side while he leaned back against the other, Dom was on another armchair.

Basically, today was sort of a lazy day for us, having nothing else to do. The sound of Roman Reigns theme song filled my ears, my eyebrows furrowing slightly in confusion as I looked at my phone, which was laying on the coffee table, knowing that Joe hardly ever calls me out of the blue. I reached for my phone, looking at the screen, which showed a picture of Joe and I, his arm thrown over my shoulders with my arms wrapped around him, a happy smile on my lips. Pressing answer, I held the phone up to my ear,

"Thank you for calling Mercy Hospital" I greeted, earning a chuckle "how can I help you?"

'Hey, Kit' he greeted back 'what are you guys doing right now?'

"Lounging around" I answered, petting Anita

'Any plans?' he asked

"Uh . . . No" I replied "not that I know of"

'Okay good' he said 'I'm sure Nia told you, RAW will be in the UK and we just landed about ten minutes ago- knock it off!- you guys wanna come?'

"RAW's in the UK" I informed the guys

"We need to go" the twins said in unison

"We're in" I said in the phone "is it okay if I bring another guest?"

'Perfectly fine, I'll send you the address' Joe replied 'see you then, Kit'

"Kay" I replied with a smile "see you there"

Hanging up the phone, the twins and I got up from our spots to get ready, Nik already informing dad on where we were heading, while I texted Tom, who also happened to be free, which caused a brief smile to form on my lips. The twins picked out my outfit, while they chose ones that were similar to mine, causing me to shrug slightly as I changed my clothes. Once ready, the lot of us headed out, and to say I'm excited to see the the guys again is an understatement, but the fact that Tom will actually get to meet them is pretty cool too. I'm pretty sure we're just going to hang out backstage, I don't think they're going to have us preform their theme songs, mostly because they might not have the equipment.

A small smile formed on my lips at the thought of seeing the guys again, even though I knew we'd both be really busy with our work, but it's good to take a break every once in a while. We piled in the limo, sitting down in our seats, all the while Nik was texting dad, informing him of what we were doing and where we were going, the door closing, Dom telling the driver were to stop before we made our way to the stadium. I knew we were going to be busy when we got home, especially with going back to school, then studying for final exams, then prom, then the Hello Goodbye assembly, then graduation practice, then graduation, then moving on to the real world.

I knew everyone was going to want to go, so there's a possible chance that the twins and I would be the ones who had the most tickets for graduation, which cost three to five dollars per ticket, but it varies depending on the school year. Now, I knew dad was probably going to make this whole thing a big deal, he's most likely going to want to throw this huge party to celebrate our graduation, and that's okay with me, but I don't want him to go all out. A small sigh emitted from me, leaning back in my seat and tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, scratching the back of my neck, Anita curling into a ball on my lap, around Snowball, Nala laying down at my feet. Eventually, we pulled up to Tom's hotel, said teenager coming out of the doors and into the limo soon after, the twins making room so he could sit next to me.

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