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"He texted me the address" I informed Nik "I'm sending it to you now"

Nik and I walked out of the school as soon as my last class was over, I glanced at my watch and saw that we had more than enough time to walk home, pick up Nala, Anita and Snowball, and drive to the restaurant we were meeting Mr. Jackman, dad was already at his interview, he had dropped us off at the school as usual and went straight to it. Since the house was literally five minutes away by car and fifteen on foot, Nik and I decided to walk to get some fresh air, my boots thumping against the ground as we walked, feeling the slightly warm sun against my exposed skin. Fifteen minutes had passed by like nothing, my three companions were excited that I was home, walking upstairs to my room, where I set my bag on the bed and changed my top to a blue lace one that showed a bit of my stomach and my favorite coat. ~media~

Anita jumped up, making her way under my hair and settling herself over my shoulders, I scooped up Snowball, clipped Nala's leash on and headed downstairs, to the garage, where Nik was already in the car. Opening the front passenger door, I let Nala hop in and settle herself down in the back seats before getting in myself, making sure I had my wallet clipped to my silver chain on my front left belt loop, phone and keys, shutting the door, giving Nik a small nod. He pulled out of the garage just as I put my seatbelt on, Anita's leash in my coat pocket, setting Snowball in my lap and looking out the window, watching as everything passed by as Nik followed the directions on Google maps. I smiled slightly when Anita licked my cheek, which caused me to press a small kiss to the side of her snout, which earned a small coo in return.

The ride to the restaurant was silent between Nik and I, nothing being said, a comfortable silence. When the whole sickness was over with, Nik and I kept working out, and I now weigh a buck thirty five, which is pure muscle and fifteen percent body fat, which I think is my boobs and butt. We track our weight, somewhat of what we eat and how much we exercise, and we've been doing good in my opinion, we do a certain thing each day. Bench press on Mondays, front squats on Tuesdays, cardio on Wednesday, cleans on Thursday and back squats on Friday, Saturday is yoga and we do nothing on Sundays. How we manage to work out, with school and shooting for The Walking dead is beyond me, but Nik always finds a way.

About twenty minutes later, we arrived at our destination, which happened to be The Lazy Dog, Nik parked and shut off the car, getting out just as I removed my seatbelt, picking up Snowball and getting out as well, snapping my fingers twice, which caused Nala to hop to the passenger seat, allowing me to grab her leash. She hopped out of the car, Nik closing the door, making sure the alarm was on, both of us heading inside.

"Welcome!" A cheery hostess said with a smile "how many in your party. . .?" trailing off, looking at me with starstruck in her eyes, causing a smile to form on my lips "Kita Morgan . . ." her voice barely a whisper

"I'm here for the one thirty reservation" I said with a smile

"Uh . . ." She trailed off, looking at the schedule "y-yes, you're a bit early but that's fine" looking at me "is outside okay?"

"Perfectly fine" I answered

Gazes followed us as we walked through the cafe, the hostess leading us to the back door, where we were then lead to a table that would fit four, I sat down, Nik sitting next to me and setting Snowball in my lap, the hostess looking at Anita, as if her heart was breaking,

"I'm against poaching" I informed "I saved her when she was a pup. She just likes to sleep on my shoulders"

A soon as I said that, Anita picked up her head and yawned, the hostess letting out a small sigh in relief,

"You're not the first person to think she was stuffed" I added lowly "no worries"

". . . Would it be too much to ask for a picture and an autograph?" She asked with a small smile

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